Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Week 4 Day 2

Another night of light rain and another 20 of us showed up at the track. They did such an amazing job. I am so proud of all of them.

I took it slow, did the actual program tonight while chatting it up with a friend at the track. My back is doing ok, so that's good. I haven't really pushed anything so I'm not sure how I'll be doing when I try to get in a few miles at this point.

I love the fitness group and the life it has taken on. I'm just so proud of what it has become in less than 2 years. It has become such a huge part of my life and I LOVE it. I've made great friends through it as well as discovered new activities that I really enjoy.

The feedback I keep getting through the group is amazing & SO cool! I love that people love this and look forward to it. I know I'll continue to make new friends through this, which is so cool too. I'm just happy with how everything has gone. :)

Monday, May 16, 2011

week 3 day 3 and week 4 day 1

I was supposed to meet the group bright an early on Saturday morning but had some car issues (which luckily went away on their own, somehow!!) but I guess 6 or 7 people showed up at the track to run with the group. I was SO proud of them for that!!

Today was raining but 10-15 of us were there. I am really proud of them. They are doing amazingly well and I absolutely LOVE to see the progress with this. It is such a great group and I'm just so happy for all of them. :)

Things are just going well. Too bad I wore 4 inch heels to work today and messed up my back a little. The heating pad now is helping! But at least I got in a mile jog tonight.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Week 3 Day 2

Tonight was another great night at the track. We seem to be down to about 25 or so people but have had the same core group. They are doing such an amazing job! I am so proud of everyone!

After we finished tonight, one of our newer runners... she started her running with us on the first night... gave me high 5's when we were done. She was SO excited! She did the program tonight. Jog 1/2 a lap, walk 1/2 a lap, jog a lap, walk a lap then repeat that. Monday night she couldn't do a full lap of jogging but she did both of them tonight! She was SO proud of herself!! It was really cool to see.

That's why I do this. That's exactly what I love about this group. She did it! She finished the laps! I'm so proud of her and happy for her! I loved getting to remind her that 2 weeks ago she was having a hard time with the 60 seconds of jogging and now, only 2 weeks later, she jogged a full lap twice! That's amazing progress in just 2 weeks.

I can't wait to see how the runners do as we progress in the program. They all can do it. I know they can. I hope they all believe in themselves as much as I do! :)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Week 3 Day 1

I cannot say enough about how proud I am of this running group. They did such an amazing job last night at the track. Most people were nervous about having to "do a whole lap" but at the end I heard a few people say, "that was it? We're done?"

I love how much they are progressing and I love that they see it too! Already they are connecting and chatting and supporting each other. I LOVE it! This is everything I want it to be and more and I am so proud of everyone.

Next week is my favorite week. I cannot WAIT to see them then! :)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Marine Corp Honor Run

We lucked out with the weather which seems to be a theme for me! YAY! :) Sunny and warm and beautiful out. The rain didn't start until after 3:30 which was good.

We had a really good time today. My back did start to bother me a little bit, but I got in more running before I had to walk. I jogged a mile and a half, then walked a mile, then jogged the last bit from 2.5-3.1. At the 2 mile mark my time was 21:45 and considering I had walked a half mile, that's really good! I finished in 35:45 total. Not thrilled with my time overall, but a full mile was walking so that slowed down my pace big time.

Eventually the injuries will stop and I will be ok. I'm not worried about that. But it isn't worth pushing myself just to get a time I want. I don't want to make the injury worse. Finishing the marathon was one thing. Pushing it for a 5K time? Yeah, SO not the same level!

Today the "Mullet Marathon" runners were there. I got a few great pics to post from today. Otherwise, looking forward to yoga tomorrow morning then starting week 3 with the group on Monday night.

My Tshirt from the race.

Our group before the race.

The Mullet Marathon Group with a couple of us.

Me with 2 of the Mullet Marathon team members.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Marathon Pics

I finally figured out how to save pictures off of the photo site... only took about 2 weeks for me to figure it all out, but I have them now and needed to post the 3 I plan on ordering. I can't wait to get actual prints!

Crossing Mile 8 or so maybe?

Crossing the finish line

After getting my finishers medal

W2D2 Success!

Tonight was a bit rainy and ended up pouring when we finished up. We had many people cancel and about a dozen not show up, but still had 16 of us at the track tonight. They did GREAT!

I am SO proud of this group. I love it so much. I love seeing new runners push themselves and finish. I love seeing the pride on their faces at their successes. It is so great!

I'm really looking forward to 2 more weeks. Next week we switch from my stop watch and whistle to distance. Week 3 is jog 1/2 lap, walk 1/2 lap, jog 1 lap, walk 1 lap, repeat. I know they are nervous about a full lap, but I also know that they can ALL do it! All of them! :)

THEN my favorite week of every single one! Week 4. That's when they do Jog 1, walk 1/2, Jog 2, walk 1 and repeat. They get so nervous about having to jog 2 full laps twice and it freaks them out before we start. But they do it and they are so proud when I finish and succeed! THEN I add up the laps they jogged. 1 full + 2 full +1 full + 2 full= 6 full laps jogged, which is a mile and a half!

I love seeing that look come over each runner when they do the math themselves and realize that yeah, they just jogged a mile and a half! It is amazing to see the transformation come over them. They stand a little different. They have a different look in their eyes.

I think that's the day they start to really believe in themselves that they can do it. And I think that is the day that they start to think of themselves as runners. I love that day. That's my favorite one.

Only 2 more weeks.

But for now? I'm SO proud of them for showing up in the rain and getting that training in! They did it!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

W2 D1

I'm really excited about how well the fitness group is doing. I can't believe that even with people leaving the group, we still have had membership go from 480 on April 1st to 512 today! That's just CRAZY! One a day? WOW!

And the facebook page is working too! Already 49 people like the page! YAY! Considering I just made the page on Thursday night? That's awesome!

Last night was the 3rd Couch to 5K event and we are maintaining 40-ish people which is amazing!

I think May is going to be a great month overall. I'm looking forward to seeing what else happens. :)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Week 2

Tonight I had another 40 people at the track to start week 2 of training. I'm SO proud of all of them! It is just SO cool that they keep coming back. I love doing it with a group.

Wednesday night is supposed to rain, so we'll see what happens instead. My back was bothering me at the end of the jogging tonight, which isn't good. Yesterday at the 5K it was pretty sore too... I had to walk a bit. I just wish these injuries would just GO AWAY!

Tomorrow night is swimming, so is Thursday night. It'll be a busy week, but I love that. And the track is already working its magic. I had a pretty rough day at work today and just the 1 hour at the track and I felt so much better.