As I was getting things wrapped up for the day, I needed something in my purse. That was when I noticed a voice mail and missed calls. Come to find out... she had CALLED me!
I keep my cell phone on silent at work. I don't want to be THAT person with the obnoxious ringing phone. And most people who I actually WANT to talk to have my work email or work phone numbers. Any daytime calls to my cell phone are usually telemarketers who somehow got my number.
I almost didn't even check my voice mail right then. It was a 617 # and for a while I did have a telemarketer calling me from that area code. And I can go DAYS without checking voicemail. Sometimes it will even fill up! I usually go off of caller ID.
I finally did check my voice mail and it was her. She has some questions for me. Her 2nd call was at 4:29 per my cell. I'm assuming she was on her way out the door when she called on last time. I tried her back at 10 of 5, but her voice mail she wasn't in the office. :(
SO now I get to wait over the weekend before I can find out on Monday. I don't love waiting and have limited patience. My mom always tells me "Patience is a virtue". And my standard answer is, "One I do NOT possess!"
But now I have to have patience and wait this one out. It isn't going to change my weekend any. I'm sleeping in tomorrow and then in the afternoon plan on getting in my long run. My office training schedule for the 1/2 marathon has me doing 5 miles this weekend. I might try for 6, depending on how I feel. 4 felt really good the other night, but that was on a treadmill.
I'll just need to pick a route to run. I need to hop onto LOVE that site! Helps you plan out and change roads to change the distance you need.
Tonight is my "rest" day is the training, which is nice and MUCH needed. I'm exhausted from not really sleep well the entire week. I had to cancel my plans because I'm so tired! Pretty sad, but one or 2 good nights of sleep and I'll be fine. I just don't want to get sick from being run down, especially this time of year. And EVERYONE I work with is sick right now.
Ahh.... so right now, my fingers are still crossed. I want to get going on the fund raising and collecting of my "prizes" but I need to know first if I'm actually going to make it on the team! I talked to someone else at work about my raffle idea. Everyone seems to like it. The minimum required is $5000, but I'm making my personal goal $7000. Honestly, if I am able to get really good prizes for the raffle, I could do even more than that!
I was thinking of adding in that only 200 entries are available into the raffle. If I have 200 people who donate $75? Um, yeah, that's $15,000! HOLY CRAP! I honestly think that might be a bit far reaching for me, but even to just think about it! WOW!
SO the steps now if I am accepted to the team?
1. Keep up with the training I have been doing for the half marathon in February.
2. Contact everyone I can possibly think of for amazing prizes I can use for this raffle idea.
3. Order the business cards I did on (LOVE THEM!)
Ok, so another part of the fund raising idea is that I will obviously be telling EVERYONE I meet that I'll be doing this. And if people what to donate or have a shot in my raffle, I will just hand out a business card which has the link to this blog. Then on this blog, I will have a link to the page to donate. (knowing from past fund raising websites, the link is SO long, it is easier to have people come here first and click than trying to write out that web address. This is an easy one!)
Here's a sample of what I am going to order, so I can randomly pass them out to people

(isn't it cute!) :)
Ok back to the list:
4. Start asking people to donate to me.
5. Go to businesses to add to prizes and use ALL possible contacts available!
6. Keep repeating and repeating!
7. Call the doctor and make an appointment. She was happy when I had my physical in October when I said I was running, but is there anything special now that the training will move up and be more intense for a marathon?
8. Get a referral to a nutritionist. I need to make sure I am eating properly to keep up my health and to fuel me for running.
9. Have fun with it! :)
And that's all I got right now!
URGH, I hate waiting!
wow - what great fundraising ideas you have! We are excited to welcome you to Team Eye and Ear for the 2011 Boston Marathon! (your wait is over!)
ReplyDeleteKristina Sym
Mass. Eye and Ear