Last week was a challenge for me. I really didn't get in a whole lot of training and I feel like I lost some footing in where I had gotten myself to. Getting back there is now a little tough, but I know I can do it. It won't be easy, but I can do it.
I sort of went with the easy excuses that just kept piling up for me last week. I didn't have to work hard for them either. Monday, the parking lot was full at the gym. Tried for a bit and gave up, planning on going back about an hour later. I feel asleep on the sofa for over an hour! There was no going back when I just wanted pj's at that point.
Wednesday I really did plan on going, even put my purse right in my trunk before starting my car or clearing the snow of my car from being in the work parking lot all day. Then I started driving. And skidding (on my sled which happens to have 4 wheels!). I went home. I HATE driving in the snow when the roads are that bad. (After once sliding across 2 lanes of traffic and only stopping because a GIANT MBTA bus was parked, which I hit... not a big fan of driving on snowy, untreated roads. Who hits a bus??? ME!)
Thursday night I was going to do my lap swimming at the pool, until I found out that their water heater was broken and the temp of pool which is normally 82 degrees is down to 70 degrees! I don't think so! So skipped that too.
Just a bad week overall. :(
Yesterday I slept in. Between Wednesday and Thursday night I got a total of about 7 hours of sleep. I was EXHAUSTED!! So Friday night I wanted to sleep. I got up around 10, had to do a few things around my house, but I also had to be on the road by 11:45 after my shower so I could get to the bank before they closed and to my massage appointment with my old massage therapist.
During the summer of 2009, I was in physical therapy for an extremely tight shoulders/upper back/neck area. I was told I had rocks, the knots were so big and so tight. After a couple of months of PT and not having any difference, they basically said they couldn't help me. In August I started seeing a massage therapist once a week for a 30 minute massage, just on that area.
It was the first week of October when the MRI results came back that it was a bulging disc and by February, after 3 rounds of cortisone injections, still no results! Still had my weekly massages with Ed until he was no longer working at that location in May. I hadn't had a massage since then.
SO... I emailed Ed and went to visit him about an hour away from me in North Andover, MA. (Serenity Massage, on High Street. Ask for Ed. He is AMAZING! LOVE HIM! Well, after 8 months? Any surprise!) With all the running, exercise, and overall lower stress level in my life, the knots are actually better. Plus I have lost a lot of weight too, which might have been part of it. Who knows, my shoulders are better!
But this time I did a full body massage for an hour. Ed knew I had been running, so he did my calves and my IT bands. When he asked, I said, "I had a small problem with my IT band on my left leg when I was regularly running on a track in worn out sneakers, but now that I got new sneakers and I'm off the track, my IT bands are fine."
HA HA HA!! SO funny! NO! NOT FINE! He didn't even put all that much pressure on when he was massaging that area. He said to him it felt like a rope. It was that tight. By last night, just lightly touching my finger over my thigh, I could feel it. I knew I was in trouble!
This morning (back on the exercise wagon!) I work up, had a banana and a breakfast bar with a cup of coffee and got myself moving. My friend Kim picked me up and we were at the 9am 90 minute Zumba class down the street from my house (yup, felt my IT bands acting up in the class!)
When I got home, the only time I sat was to change into my running sneakers. I grabbed my water, ate power bar energy bites, grabbed my towel and Ipod and headed off to the gym.
My legs were in so much pain! HORRIBLE, horrific pain on the outside of my thighs. My wonderful, "no I have no problem with" IT bands. Yup, now it really does feel like a rope. So I didn't get in as much of a run as I wanted. Only pushed it to 3 miles, which was a challenge. I didn't want to make things worse, or really injure myself, but I did want to get something in.
After a really good stretch and an incredible ab workout, I headed home. Even just laying here on the sofa right now not moving anything other than my fingers typing... I can feel both legs with a dull throb.
I know that foam rollers are painful to use over the IT bands. Not a comfortable position and the pressure is very painful when you try to work out the tension, especially in the beginning. I know I am going to hate it. But I also know that it is something I am going to have to do. If I want to keep going, I have to take care of myself. I don't want this to be a problem that is going to keep me down, so it will have to be something I address NOW.
Tomorrow... 5 miles on the treadmill followed by a leg and ab workout. I know I can do it! I'm looking forward to it. I had a rough week last week so I need this. I need the focus, the commitment, the consistent schedule and the momentum to continue and improve. I can do this!
I know and I knew going into it that I would have down times. I knew I would stumble. I knew my drive and my confidence would struggle. I knew I would second guess this. But I can overcome it. I can think positive and get back on that horse and get myself moving forward again.
The half marathon is 3 weeks from today. I am absolutely terrified about it. I don't know if I will be ready. But if I have to walk points, then I have to walk points. But if I flake and don't try it, then I will never finish! I have to just keep putting one foot in front of the other and continue to move forward.
Nothing worth anything is easy. The things in life that are the most appreciated are the one that require the most work. This is hard. But the benefits of this will be incredible! I need to figure out how I want to feel and play that over and over again in my head. I need to get my mind in the right place. SO much of this is a mental thing. If I think I can, then I CAN! So I need to get myself to not just think but to KNOW I can!
Stumbles will happen, but it is what I do after I stumble that counts. I got up, dusted myself off, took a 90 minute Zumba class, ran 3 miles and did a super 30 minute ab workout and I'm ready for tomorrow's workout too. One foot in front of the other, one foot in front of the other....
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
BAD week
The training has been a little rough lately. I'm going to just focus positively on my next run.
I really had every intention of going to the gym today, right from work. I left RIGHT on time as the 5 o'clock parade marched out of my office. I tossed my purse in my trunk before I event started to clear the snow off of my car. When my car was finally warmed up and the few inches that had come down during the day were off of my car, I started to leave the office park.
I hadn't even made it to the main road when I knew I was going straight home. I skidded in the office park at least 3 times! My car was all over the road! I just wanted to get home and not have to deal with more bad roads than I needed to.
This snow is KILLING me. I have had enough of it. And tonight we could have another foot come down? They said on the news today that we have had more than 50 inches of snow in less than 30 days. Enough is enough!
SO... right now I am just focusing on my next run.
I really had every intention of going to the gym today, right from work. I left RIGHT on time as the 5 o'clock parade marched out of my office. I tossed my purse in my trunk before I event started to clear the snow off of my car. When my car was finally warmed up and the few inches that had come down during the day were off of my car, I started to leave the office park.
I hadn't even made it to the main road when I knew I was going straight home. I skidded in the office park at least 3 times! My car was all over the road! I just wanted to get home and not have to deal with more bad roads than I needed to.
This snow is KILLING me. I have had enough of it. And tonight we could have another foot come down? They said on the news today that we have had more than 50 inches of snow in less than 30 days. Enough is enough!
SO... right now I am just focusing on my next run.
Monday, January 24, 2011
I got an email today.... this is now for real!

Dear Julie,
This is to notify you that your entry into the 115th Boston Marathon on Monday, April 18, 2011 has been accepted, provided that the information you submitted is accurate.
I tried to go to the gym right from work tonight but I couldn't find a parking space and just got frustrated. I went home with the intention of going back to run when it would be easier to get a parking space.
I turned on the news, laid on the sofa and... well, I fell asleep. I just work up around 6:45 pm. At this point, I can barely lift my head up off the sofa, forget about get back to the gym to run for over an hour. I'm ready to fall back to sleep for the night! Tomorrow night I have yoga at 7, and should leave the gym by 6:30 to get there on time and get a spot and all that.
But Wednesday night, I think I am going to work late, until about 6pm. Then head straight to the gym. By then, I won't have any problems getting a parking space. I hope! I can't wait until this snow is gone and the rush at 5 is gone!
Once I'm home, it is WAY too hard to get back out when it is maybe 10 degrees! :( I'm disappointed in myself. I really wanted to go, especially since my back was hurt last week and I didn't push too hard. I know that at this point, tonight is SHOT. I have to figure out how to make this work better for me.

Dear Julie,
This is to notify you that your entry into the 115th Boston Marathon on Monday, April 18, 2011 has been accepted, provided that the information you submitted is accurate.
I tried to go to the gym right from work tonight but I couldn't find a parking space and just got frustrated. I went home with the intention of going back to run when it would be easier to get a parking space.
I turned on the news, laid on the sofa and... well, I fell asleep. I just work up around 6:45 pm. At this point, I can barely lift my head up off the sofa, forget about get back to the gym to run for over an hour. I'm ready to fall back to sleep for the night! Tomorrow night I have yoga at 7, and should leave the gym by 6:30 to get there on time and get a spot and all that.
But Wednesday night, I think I am going to work late, until about 6pm. Then head straight to the gym. By then, I won't have any problems getting a parking space. I hope! I can't wait until this snow is gone and the rush at 5 is gone!
Once I'm home, it is WAY too hard to get back out when it is maybe 10 degrees! :( I'm disappointed in myself. I really wanted to go, especially since my back was hurt last week and I didn't push too hard. I know that at this point, tonight is SHOT. I have to figure out how to make this work better for me.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Long Run Motivation
It is so hard to get motivated for my Saturday long runs. It isn't something that is quick... I have to spend TIME on those runs. And the weather really isn't making it any easier.
I did get out last weekend when I ended up having a bad stomach bug. That one was horrible. Yesterday we got another 6 inches of snow and today it is about 20 degrees outside. SO all ice and snow on the roads. I don't really feel comfortable trying to get that in outside. I'm a klutz! I don't want to ruin all that I HAVE done with getting injured from running on bad roads.
SO now I have to get myself excited to go to the gym. To run on the treadmill. For 9 miles. Really? Get excited and motivated for that? When my back is STILL sore (ice on it right now!). This is going to be another hard thing to accomplish.
These long runs are really hard for me.
The 1/2 marathon is in 4 weeks from tomorrow. I have to keep going to be ready for that. 4 weeks to do 13.1 miles. Today is 9. URGH! Just tough. Need to get myself up and going and motivated. Easier said than done.
I did get out last weekend when I ended up having a bad stomach bug. That one was horrible. Yesterday we got another 6 inches of snow and today it is about 20 degrees outside. SO all ice and snow on the roads. I don't really feel comfortable trying to get that in outside. I'm a klutz! I don't want to ruin all that I HAVE done with getting injured from running on bad roads.
SO now I have to get myself excited to go to the gym. To run on the treadmill. For 9 miles. Really? Get excited and motivated for that? When my back is STILL sore (ice on it right now!). This is going to be another hard thing to accomplish.
These long runs are really hard for me.
The 1/2 marathon is in 4 weeks from tomorrow. I have to keep going to be ready for that. 4 weeks to do 13.1 miles. Today is 9. URGH! Just tough. Need to get myself up and going and motivated. Easier said than done.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
A change in the routine
It must be because I was talking about Groundhog day, saying every day is the same. SO I got something a little different today.
I am a creature of habit. In the morning as I am leaving, I grab my keys off the hook and go. Well, last night I didn't put my keys on the hook. But one was there when I grabbed for it. It was my spare car key. No house key. I realized it just as I shut my door.
I thought, ok, not a big deal. I'll call my landlord during the day to make sure they will be around when I get out of work and I'll stop home to get my keys then. That'll be fine.
Then I walked out to my car. I had backed my car into the driveway because of all the snow. I put the passenger side up against the waist high snow bank. That way I can easily open the driver's side door of my coupe.
SO I walked up to the car that doesn't have key less entry. I put my key to the lock and try to push. Nothing. Lock is frozen solid. I can't even get the key into the lock, forget about trying to turn it.
I walked around the back of the car and looked at the passenger side. There were a few inches between the car and the snowbank. I tried to squish in, got that door unlocked, and the DOOR was frozen shut! Plus, a few inches from a waist high frozen solid snowbank. Not sure how I thought I'd manage to squeeze in! I've lost weight, but not THAT much!
Then I remember, I don't even have a house key! I'm locked out of my house and I can't get into my car. I called work 20 minutes before I was supposed to be there (I live 5 miles away!) to say I was going to be late. She laughed at me. Then I called D for suggestions.
I had 2 options. First was to ask my landlords for hot water. I went to their door. The lights were off, nothing was on. They are around 80 years old. I was not waking them up that early.
I stood in my driveway staring at my car. I was talking to myself and kept saying, "what am I going to do? I don't know what to do?"
Then I sucked it up and went for option 2. I opened the trunk, moved the couple things that were in there off to the side. Grabbed the camping chair I keep in the truck. Used that to poke at the back fold-down seats. They really do fold down!
I took a deep breath and dove into my trunk, crawled through to the back seat, squeezed up into the front passenger seat then over to the drivers seat. I started my car, opened the door, got out to close the trunk, then went to work!
What a way to start the say!
I did manage to get to the pool tonight. (rushed home from work, grabbed a key from the landlords to open up my house, went to the tax place to get my taxes done, home, changed and went to the pool! Ahhhhh....)
I got in about 3/4 of a mile tonight. I'm tired, but I feel good. Hoping I sleep really well tonight.
And tomorrow is Friday!!!! YAY! Only thing bringing that down a little is that we are getting MORE SNOW! How is this even possible?? My long run Saturday? Yeah, about 20 degrees outside, the day after a snow storm. Not so much for outside in that. I'd prefer not to slip and break an ankle! 9 miles on the treadmill is NOT going to be fun, but I'll bring good music and go from there.
I am a creature of habit. In the morning as I am leaving, I grab my keys off the hook and go. Well, last night I didn't put my keys on the hook. But one was there when I grabbed for it. It was my spare car key. No house key. I realized it just as I shut my door.
I thought, ok, not a big deal. I'll call my landlord during the day to make sure they will be around when I get out of work and I'll stop home to get my keys then. That'll be fine.
Then I walked out to my car. I had backed my car into the driveway because of all the snow. I put the passenger side up against the waist high snow bank. That way I can easily open the driver's side door of my coupe.
SO I walked up to the car that doesn't have key less entry. I put my key to the lock and try to push. Nothing. Lock is frozen solid. I can't even get the key into the lock, forget about trying to turn it.
I walked around the back of the car and looked at the passenger side. There were a few inches between the car and the snowbank. I tried to squish in, got that door unlocked, and the DOOR was frozen shut! Plus, a few inches from a waist high frozen solid snowbank. Not sure how I thought I'd manage to squeeze in! I've lost weight, but not THAT much!
Then I remember, I don't even have a house key! I'm locked out of my house and I can't get into my car. I called work 20 minutes before I was supposed to be there (I live 5 miles away!) to say I was going to be late. She laughed at me. Then I called D for suggestions.
I had 2 options. First was to ask my landlords for hot water. I went to their door. The lights were off, nothing was on. They are around 80 years old. I was not waking them up that early.
I stood in my driveway staring at my car. I was talking to myself and kept saying, "what am I going to do? I don't know what to do?"
Then I sucked it up and went for option 2. I opened the trunk, moved the couple things that were in there off to the side. Grabbed the camping chair I keep in the truck. Used that to poke at the back fold-down seats. They really do fold down!
I took a deep breath and dove into my trunk, crawled through to the back seat, squeezed up into the front passenger seat then over to the drivers seat. I started my car, opened the door, got out to close the trunk, then went to work!
What a way to start the say!
I did manage to get to the pool tonight. (rushed home from work, grabbed a key from the landlords to open up my house, went to the tax place to get my taxes done, home, changed and went to the pool! Ahhhhh....)
I got in about 3/4 of a mile tonight. I'm tired, but I feel good. Hoping I sleep really well tonight.
And tomorrow is Friday!!!! YAY! Only thing bringing that down a little is that we are getting MORE SNOW! How is this even possible?? My long run Saturday? Yeah, about 20 degrees outside, the day after a snow storm. Not so much for outside in that. I'd prefer not to slip and break an ankle! 9 miles on the treadmill is NOT going to be fun, but I'll bring good music and go from there.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Groundhog Day
Mondays: Wake up, have coffee, pack my bags-lunch and gym, shower, get ready for work, leave for work around 8am, work all day, leave work, run/weights at the gym, home after 8pm.
Tuesdays: Wake up, have coffee, pack my bags-lunch and gym, shower, get ready for work, leave for work around 8am, work all day, leave work, run at they gym, swim laps at the pool or go to yoga, home after 8pm.
Wednesdays: Wake up, have coffee, pack my bags-lunch and gym, shower, get ready for work, leave for work around 8am, work all day, leave work, run/weights at the gym, home after 8pm.
Thursdays: Wake up, have coffee, pack my bags-lunch and gym, shower, get ready for work, leave for work around 8am, work all day, leave work, swim laps at the pool, home after 8pm.
Fridays: Wake up, have coffee, pack my bags-lunch and gym, shower, get ready for work, leave for work around 8am, work all day, leave work.
Yup, my life has become Groundhog Day!
Generally I am SO spent that I don't go out on Friday nights. I usually am looking forward to tossing on sweats and crashing on the sofa. This week I am taking a ballroom dancing lesson then having drinks. And next Friday 6 of us are going to show that our friend is in.
I have my long runs on Saturday's but lots of other stuff like life tossed in as well. I go to my parents house on Sunday's to have dinner with them. That literally leaves me with Saturdays! How crazy is that? Any idea why I don't want to spend my free time CLEANING! That is the last thing I want to think of when I'm so busy.
I'm looking forward to getting together with a bunch of old friends over the next several weeks. Weird how all at once I'm going to be seeing everyone. Out with D and her family next weekend, Mel the next and then a wedding shower the weekend after that, plus drinks with Pam too. And I still haven't made plans with Michelle in FOREVER even though we live in the same town!
I am glad that I get so see so many friends swimming and doing my fitness events. I can stay active, get in the exercise and training and still spend time with friends.
Tonight I went to the gym right from work.... hmm. For Wednesday, see above! :) I did 4 miles on the treadmill. I did walk a little bit after a belly cramp. I think it was bug I have been getting over all week from Sunday's mess of a run.
After the running, I had a GREAT stretch. Then I did an ab workout, which I'm sure I'm going to feel tomorrow. THEN, I did an upper body weight workout. I KNOW I'm going to feel my arms and shoulders; I can already feel them now!
Tomorrow night is swimming. But at least the week is winding down.
OH! Donations! Yesterday I sent an email out to a few friends and also asked if they could forward the info on to anyone who might be interested in donating. Today I got a donation from someone Mel works with! Lisa made a huge donation! I've met Lisa a few times over the year between Mel's shower & wedding and her kids stuff. I just can't believe how generous she was. I'm really touched!
SO that's my day! :) Honestly though, I can't complain. Repeating the same day over and over isn't bad if its a great day!
Tuesdays: Wake up, have coffee, pack my bags-lunch and gym, shower, get ready for work, leave for work around 8am, work all day, leave work, run at they gym, swim laps at the pool or go to yoga, home after 8pm.
Wednesdays: Wake up, have coffee, pack my bags-lunch and gym, shower, get ready for work, leave for work around 8am, work all day, leave work, run/weights at the gym, home after 8pm.
Thursdays: Wake up, have coffee, pack my bags-lunch and gym, shower, get ready for work, leave for work around 8am, work all day, leave work, swim laps at the pool, home after 8pm.
Fridays: Wake up, have coffee, pack my bags-lunch and gym, shower, get ready for work, leave for work around 8am, work all day, leave work.
Yup, my life has become Groundhog Day!
Generally I am SO spent that I don't go out on Friday nights. I usually am looking forward to tossing on sweats and crashing on the sofa. This week I am taking a ballroom dancing lesson then having drinks. And next Friday 6 of us are going to show that our friend is in.
I have my long runs on Saturday's but lots of other stuff like life tossed in as well. I go to my parents house on Sunday's to have dinner with them. That literally leaves me with Saturdays! How crazy is that? Any idea why I don't want to spend my free time CLEANING! That is the last thing I want to think of when I'm so busy.
I'm looking forward to getting together with a bunch of old friends over the next several weeks. Weird how all at once I'm going to be seeing everyone. Out with D and her family next weekend, Mel the next and then a wedding shower the weekend after that, plus drinks with Pam too. And I still haven't made plans with Michelle in FOREVER even though we live in the same town!
I am glad that I get so see so many friends swimming and doing my fitness events. I can stay active, get in the exercise and training and still spend time with friends.
Tonight I went to the gym right from work.... hmm. For Wednesday, see above! :) I did 4 miles on the treadmill. I did walk a little bit after a belly cramp. I think it was bug I have been getting over all week from Sunday's mess of a run.
After the running, I had a GREAT stretch. Then I did an ab workout, which I'm sure I'm going to feel tomorrow. THEN, I did an upper body weight workout. I KNOW I'm going to feel my arms and shoulders; I can already feel them now!
Tomorrow night is swimming. But at least the week is winding down.
OH! Donations! Yesterday I sent an email out to a few friends and also asked if they could forward the info on to anyone who might be interested in donating. Today I got a donation from someone Mel works with! Lisa made a huge donation! I've met Lisa a few times over the year between Mel's shower & wedding and her kids stuff. I just can't believe how generous she was. I'm really touched!
SO that's my day! :) Honestly though, I can't complain. Repeating the same day over and over isn't bad if its a great day!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Got in the best swim I have had in the past 2 months that I have been swimming. I did a solid mile and it was the fastest mile I have done. I got in the pool at 7:15 and was in my car showered at 8:35!
I can't believe I only started swimming 2 months ago in my old 2 piece that was too big for me that I kept pulling on the bottoms. Now I have a bathing cap on with goggles and rotate my 4 different bathing suits (even though I like 2 of them the best).
I feel good now. And I'm ready for tomorrow to get back to the gym, treadmill and weights.
I just feel good after getting all of that out and working out. I am so much stronger than I have ever been. I've really come a long way in such a short amount of time.
And I'm really surprised by that!!! REALLY surprised. How did I end up turning everything around in my life like this? To go from where I was 2 years ago to where I am now? Amazing how much I have changed. I'm just a stronger, healthier and happier person now. I can't imagine going back to my life 2 years ago. I wouldn't want to ever.
I can't believe I only started swimming 2 months ago in my old 2 piece that was too big for me that I kept pulling on the bottoms. Now I have a bathing cap on with goggles and rotate my 4 different bathing suits (even though I like 2 of them the best).
I feel good now. And I'm ready for tomorrow to get back to the gym, treadmill and weights.
I just feel good after getting all of that out and working out. I am so much stronger than I have ever been. I've really come a long way in such a short amount of time.
And I'm really surprised by that!!! REALLY surprised. How did I end up turning everything around in my life like this? To go from where I was 2 years ago to where I am now? Amazing how much I have changed. I'm just a stronger, healthier and happier person now. I can't imagine going back to my life 2 years ago. I wouldn't want to ever.
Tuesday check in
Was still a little nervous and my belly isn't 100% yet. I didn't get in the quick 3 mile recovery run that I had planned for today. After leaving work I had several quick errands I took care of and then flew home to eat something quickly. I have about 10 minutes to sit before I'm heading out to the pool to meet some friends for swimming laps.
I'm looking forward to the pool. I like the cross training and I feel good doing it. Tomorrow will be good to get back to running too. I have running then weights and I really want to do well with the running. I think I need that to make up for the horrible weekend run I had.
That's still stuck in my head. I was so sick. I felt so horrible. I don't know if it was the run or if I had a bug, but that really got in my head. I need a good run to get over it mentally.
But the swim will help ease me back into it. And it will be fun too. I just need to get my butt in gear. At least the pool bag is packed and ready to go.
OH! Donations! I got 2 more today alone! WOW! I just can't believe how generous people have been. 8 people and I'm just under $600??? WOW! That's so amazing and so more than what I could ever have expected, EVER! I am SO blessed to have such great people in my life.
Funny thing is, so many of these people are "new" friends. One I have known for 2 years and 4 I have known for less than one year! And they were SO generous!
I really am happy with the direction my life has taken over the past few years. I found a new focus, became much more positive in my life and started attracting that info my life. I have wonderful people around me, great friends who really encourage and support me. I'm just really happy with how things are going.
I'm looking forward to the pool. I like the cross training and I feel good doing it. Tomorrow will be good to get back to running too. I have running then weights and I really want to do well with the running. I think I need that to make up for the horrible weekend run I had.
That's still stuck in my head. I was so sick. I felt so horrible. I don't know if it was the run or if I had a bug, but that really got in my head. I need a good run to get over it mentally.
But the swim will help ease me back into it. And it will be fun too. I just need to get my butt in gear. At least the pool bag is packed and ready to go.
OH! Donations! I got 2 more today alone! WOW! I just can't believe how generous people have been. 8 people and I'm just under $600??? WOW! That's so amazing and so more than what I could ever have expected, EVER! I am SO blessed to have such great people in my life.
Funny thing is, so many of these people are "new" friends. One I have known for 2 years and 4 I have known for less than one year! And they were SO generous!
I really am happy with the direction my life has taken over the past few years. I found a new focus, became much more positive in my life and started attracting that info my life. I have wonderful people around me, great friends who really encourage and support me. I'm just really happy with how things are going.
Monday, January 17, 2011
91 Days, 3 Months From Tomorrow!
91 Days left! WOW! This is really going to come up fast. 3 months from tomorrow. That scares me. That's not a huge amount of time to keep training. I'm going to have to focus on the small instead. Five weeks until the 1/2 marathon. Ok, so that scares me even more! LOL!
I'm hoping that race day, being with others out on the road, I think that will help. That will make the run that much easier. Well, maybe easier isn't the word for it. But just having others to run with is so much better for me.
In a few weeks, when I build up my distance a little, I want to join FitCorp in Boston for their long runs in Boston. I'm not up to their level yet. I can't do what they do yet. I have to continue to build my distance and my pace to get there.
I know some runs are easier than others. Yesterday was a bad run. I'm just going to move past it. I felt sick all day after the run and I'm still not 100%. I'm better but not 100%. Because of that, I'm taking today off from training, then I'll hop back on track tomorrow.
Tomorrow I'm doing a quick 3 miles on the treadmill, then meeting friends at the pool to swim laps. I'd like to get in a full mile. Then Wednesday night is another treadmill night of 4.5 miles.
After checking the fund raising page, I got 2 more donations. That puts me up to 5% of my goal, with 91 days remaining for fund raising. I started writing letters that I'll mail out next week. And I know so many others will end up donating within the next month or so. 3 months away is a long time.
But I'm feeling good, feeling positive. If I can keep up my end of the training and running, I know my family, friends and contacts can come through for me to make my goal. I feel REALLY good about it.
I'm hoping that race day, being with others out on the road, I think that will help. That will make the run that much easier. Well, maybe easier isn't the word for it. But just having others to run with is so much better for me.
In a few weeks, when I build up my distance a little, I want to join FitCorp in Boston for their long runs in Boston. I'm not up to their level yet. I can't do what they do yet. I have to continue to build my distance and my pace to get there.
I know some runs are easier than others. Yesterday was a bad run. I'm just going to move past it. I felt sick all day after the run and I'm still not 100%. I'm better but not 100%. Because of that, I'm taking today off from training, then I'll hop back on track tomorrow.
Tomorrow I'm doing a quick 3 miles on the treadmill, then meeting friends at the pool to swim laps. I'd like to get in a full mile. Then Wednesday night is another treadmill night of 4.5 miles.
After checking the fund raising page, I got 2 more donations. That puts me up to 5% of my goal, with 91 days remaining for fund raising. I started writing letters that I'll mail out next week. And I know so many others will end up donating within the next month or so. 3 months away is a long time.
But I'm feeling good, feeling positive. If I can keep up my end of the training and running, I know my family, friends and contacts can come through for me to make my goal. I feel REALLY good about it.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Third Time Today
When I wrote after just having come inside from my run, I obviously felt like crap. I finally got myself up off the sofa for a nice long hot shower... where I almost passed out. I could feel it coming on and I was rushing to get the last of the conditioner out of my hair. As I was drying off, I was seeing spots and getting more and more lightheaded.
I tossed my wet hair up in a towel and grabbed a second to wrap around me. I had left my water bottle in the living room on the coffee table and managed to collapse on my sofa. It really took me a while to get up. And then my belly was horrible. I really thought I was going to be sick. It took me close to an hour before I finally felt ok enough for a 30 minute drive to my parents house.
I still felt like crap there, almost fell asleep on their sofa (would have been worth it with the horrific Pats loss. No, the Jets did not win that game. The Pats LOST that game!) I feel like I have a fever. I'm hot, I'm cold, my belly is making those funky noises. I'm coughing and my chest sounds weird.
The coughing and chest thing, I am pretty sure that really is from running. I remember when I wasn't regularly exercising, I would get like that. My lungs would react weird. I'd cough for a while after exercise.
But everything else? I really hope this isn't running related. This is NOT fun. I was going to try for a short run tomorrow, but I don't know now. Pretty sure at this point I am going to wait to see how I am feeling when I eventually get up. There will be NO alarm tomorrow and I am very ok with staying in PJ's all day. Good thing this is a 3 day weekend. Too bad I'm spending at least 1 day of it feeling horrible. :(
Hope tomorrow is better and that I am doing better after a good night sleep.
I tossed my wet hair up in a towel and grabbed a second to wrap around me. I had left my water bottle in the living room on the coffee table and managed to collapse on my sofa. It really took me a while to get up. And then my belly was horrible. I really thought I was going to be sick. It took me close to an hour before I finally felt ok enough for a 30 minute drive to my parents house.
I still felt like crap there, almost fell asleep on their sofa (would have been worth it with the horrific Pats loss. No, the Jets did not win that game. The Pats LOST that game!) I feel like I have a fever. I'm hot, I'm cold, my belly is making those funky noises. I'm coughing and my chest sounds weird.
The coughing and chest thing, I am pretty sure that really is from running. I remember when I wasn't regularly exercising, I would get like that. My lungs would react weird. I'd cough for a while after exercise.
But everything else? I really hope this isn't running related. This is NOT fun. I was going to try for a short run tomorrow, but I don't know now. Pretty sure at this point I am going to wait to see how I am feeling when I eventually get up. There will be NO alarm tomorrow and I am very ok with staying in PJ's all day. Good thing this is a 3 day weekend. Too bad I'm spending at least 1 day of it feeling horrible. :(
Hope tomorrow is better and that I am doing better after a good night sleep.
I did it, sort of
Well I made it outside. Let's just say... That kicked my butt! DAMN! That was SO hard today. To the point, I feel sick right now. Including the bit to my house, with the little changes I made, the whole loop was 7.96 miles. That includes everything from my door back to my door. I walked the first bit, about a 1/2 mile to warm up. Then I started jogging.
I probably got about a mile and a half in before I got a HORRIBLE side stitch. I haven't had one of those in months, especially one that bad. It hurt so much! I tried to jog it out, but I was struggling to stand up straight. I thought about turning around, but committed to continue, even if I had to walk the entire loop.
I walked about 3/4 of a mile at that point, until I turned onto Rt 53. Then I started up again. I felt pretty good at that point. I used the water pack thing. I'm sure it works great for some people but I don't think I'll use it for my runs again. It wasn't super comfortable. I didn't like it around my waist and having the weight of the bottle resting on my lower back hurt. I was happy to have water, but I think going forward I will be hiding bottles of water along the route I pick instead of wearing it. I don't think it works for me.
So then I jogged the stretch along rt 53, about 2 miles. I stopped at the gas station, had some water and adjusted. That's when my ear buds to my IPod died, well at least the right one. I had sound in my left, but the right one is dead. :( I knew I wanted new ear buds anyway, but I'm bummed! Those are supposed to be pretty good ones, from Sony and they aren't even a year and a half old! Dead! Oh well.
I started back up, made it past Derby Street Shoppes and the ramps for Rt 3. I walked for a minute over the bridge, but then started back up again and headed back into Weymouth. That was about the 6 mile mark. And that's when I started to really feel it. My back hurt, my feet were wet and sore, my knees were hurting. Did I mention my back? My lower back hurt so much from that water bottle! The belt wasn't comfortable either and I kept trying to adjust it. Wasn't working. I started walking then.
I tried to start up again, a couple of times but never made it that long. I decided to change my route and not head past the HS to Rt 18, but instead to cut back through by Columbian Square again and head home that way. I walked most of mile 6 and 7 back to my house.
So, including the starting 1/2 mile, the last 2 miles of walking, the 3/4 of mile during mile 2, and maybe another 1/4 mile tossed in randomly, I walked 3 1/2 out of the 8 miles. NOT good. I only got in 4 1/2 miles today?
That really kicked my butt!!
But, some good things came out of it. First, I got outside and faced my fear. I did it. It wasn't my best run, but I did it. Second, I know I have to dress differently for this weather. These pants did NOT work out. The are too big and I between the water thing and the pants being too big, I spent too much time adjusting. Third, I learned the water thing isn't for me. Not comfortable. Forth, I know I'll have to get new ear buds this week. I want the over the ear kind. Fifth... I have to find hiding spots for water breaks. Sixth, these are good socks to run in. Didn't move around or bother my feet at all like some of my socks to. I have to get more of these.
I think there are more good things too. I liked the headband, ear cover thing I used too. Works great, keeps me warm and my hair out of my face. The gloves that Team Eye and Ear gave me were really good too.
But, yeah, it kicked my butt. It even started out bad before I left. I eat some energy jelly bean protein things before I left and felt my jaw. Kind of like cracking my knuckles, but my jaw. And REALLY bad, still hurts! I have a headache from it!
And I feel nauseous too! I mean really sick. I thought I was going to throw up more than once while I was out there. I have never had my butt kicked this much fro one run EVER. But I did it... sort of.
I probably got about a mile and a half in before I got a HORRIBLE side stitch. I haven't had one of those in months, especially one that bad. It hurt so much! I tried to jog it out, but I was struggling to stand up straight. I thought about turning around, but committed to continue, even if I had to walk the entire loop.
I walked about 3/4 of a mile at that point, until I turned onto Rt 53. Then I started up again. I felt pretty good at that point. I used the water pack thing. I'm sure it works great for some people but I don't think I'll use it for my runs again. It wasn't super comfortable. I didn't like it around my waist and having the weight of the bottle resting on my lower back hurt. I was happy to have water, but I think going forward I will be hiding bottles of water along the route I pick instead of wearing it. I don't think it works for me.
So then I jogged the stretch along rt 53, about 2 miles. I stopped at the gas station, had some water and adjusted. That's when my ear buds to my IPod died, well at least the right one. I had sound in my left, but the right one is dead. :( I knew I wanted new ear buds anyway, but I'm bummed! Those are supposed to be pretty good ones, from Sony and they aren't even a year and a half old! Dead! Oh well.
I started back up, made it past Derby Street Shoppes and the ramps for Rt 3. I walked for a minute over the bridge, but then started back up again and headed back into Weymouth. That was about the 6 mile mark. And that's when I started to really feel it. My back hurt, my feet were wet and sore, my knees were hurting. Did I mention my back? My lower back hurt so much from that water bottle! The belt wasn't comfortable either and I kept trying to adjust it. Wasn't working. I started walking then.
I tried to start up again, a couple of times but never made it that long. I decided to change my route and not head past the HS to Rt 18, but instead to cut back through by Columbian Square again and head home that way. I walked most of mile 6 and 7 back to my house.
So, including the starting 1/2 mile, the last 2 miles of walking, the 3/4 of mile during mile 2, and maybe another 1/4 mile tossed in randomly, I walked 3 1/2 out of the 8 miles. NOT good. I only got in 4 1/2 miles today?
That really kicked my butt!!
But, some good things came out of it. First, I got outside and faced my fear. I did it. It wasn't my best run, but I did it. Second, I know I have to dress differently for this weather. These pants did NOT work out. The are too big and I between the water thing and the pants being too big, I spent too much time adjusting. Third, I learned the water thing isn't for me. Not comfortable. Forth, I know I'll have to get new ear buds this week. I want the over the ear kind. Fifth... I have to find hiding spots for water breaks. Sixth, these are good socks to run in. Didn't move around or bother my feet at all like some of my socks to. I have to get more of these.
I think there are more good things too. I liked the headband, ear cover thing I used too. Works great, keeps me warm and my hair out of my face. The gloves that Team Eye and Ear gave me were really good too.
But, yeah, it kicked my butt. It even started out bad before I left. I eat some energy jelly bean protein things before I left and felt my jaw. Kind of like cracking my knuckles, but my jaw. And REALLY bad, still hurts! I have a headache from it!
And I feel nauseous too! I mean really sick. I thought I was going to throw up more than once while I was out there. I have never had my butt kicked this much fro one run EVER. But I did it... sort of.
The 8 Mile Run
Yesterday I ended up feeling not great. My belly was NOT happy. Being out for a run like that was not something I wanted to do. I didn't even want to leave my house. So I didn't. I did a little cleaning, laid down and only thought about running. I missed my long run.
Now I am thinking about it. I went to and created a route that would fit what I need today, complete with some hills! I got it to 7.78, starting near my house, heading into Hingham and then back by the South Shore Hospital. I have the route down. I know the street and I know exactly where I need to go to get this run in. The roads I picked are wide enough, even with the snow, and all pretty safe.
The weather is showing 32 degrees right now, so much better than yesterday. I have the water bottle thing that clicks on like a messanger bag my cousin gave me for Christmas, so I can have water on this 8 mile jaunt. I'll all prepared. I just need to get dressed and go.
I am absolute and completely terrified. I don't know why. It's a run! That's it. That's all. Just a run. Why am I scared to do this one? Why am I so nervous to head outside alone?
Up through December, all of my runs other than road races were on a track, round and round and round. I'd just keep a count of my laps, saying the lap number and total distance out loud after each one.
I didn't do my long run on Christmas weekend with the chaos of the holidays. Then New Years Day was another road race for the 10K. That was easy. There was a route to follow, people there, and even people I passed!
Last weekend I hit the gym for my run. Since I knew that the treadmills shut off after an hour, I did my warm up walk and then hit stop to get a new mile count. When I restarted and got up to my pace, I ran for 3.85 miles. Then I stopped for a minute, had water and stretched. I hopped back on and restarted the treadmill for another 3.65 to finish my 7 1/2 mile run. I was nervous but I was on the treadmill, in the gym and could stop whenever I wanted to. I thought about it, but I kept going.
But this is my first actual long run, outside, on my own. Maybe that's why my belly wasn't feeling great yesterday. Maybe I made myself sick with the idea of this. I am SO nervous. It's JUST A RUN! I don't know what my problem is! I don't know why I am so scared. I guess I just don't want to fail.
I know running is a mental thing. I know it is all mind over matter. I just have to keep putting one foot in front of the other. I just have to keep going. It may hurt, my legs may ache, but I have to keep going and keep reaching for that finish.
The 1/2 Marathon in Hampton, NH is in 5 weeks. I will have to run 13.1 miles outside that day! Outside, in February, at the BEACH! We've gotten snow that weekend before. It can be FRIGID that weekend. I have to get my long runs in outside to practice in the conditions I will be running in. The 1/2 marathon isn't on a treadmill... it is an outside road race.
I need to get my butt in gear, move off of my sofa, get my running clothes on and head outside for this 8 miles. I can't let the idea of an 8 mile run beat me. I knwo I'm stronger than that. But I am still so scared.
I talk a good talk. I did the Couch to 5K. I ran a 10K. I'm training for a 1/2 marathon in 5 weeks, then Boston 8 weeks later. I have 13 weeks left to train for 26.2 miles and I'm afraid of 8! Seriously?
When I had our team meeting for Mass Eye and Ear's Team in Boston last week, I was SO nervous about the meeting. I was more nervous about that than I was about training or fund raising! I was going into this alone, meeting runners. I felt like a fraud. I FEEL like a fraud. These are REAL runners.
But when I got there and found out many were running their first marathon as well, I did feel a little better. I'm still terrified. Absolutely terrified. But if I don't train, I WILL set myself up for failure. I have to get out and go and do it and JUST RUN!
I have my route. Starting by Johnie's Food Master on Rt 18, heading down Pleasant St, past Columbian Square up to Rt 53 where I'll take a right and follow Rt 53 into Hingham. When I come to Prime Gas Station, I'll turn right onto Derby St. I'll pss by the Derby Street Shoppes. It might get a little tricky running past the Rt 3 exit ramps, but I'll keep going straight back into Weymouth, past the High School and to Rt 18, by Dunkin and Mary Lou's. I'll turn left onto Rt 18, up the hill by South Shore Hospital and end by Johnie's Food Master. That's 7.78 miles with a couple of hills.
I am SO nervous. But I have to do it. I know I can do it. Ahhhh... ok time to move off the sofa, get my butt in gear, get dressed and head out the door. Here's to mind over matter!
I'm heading out for my 8 Mile Monster. Wish me luck!!!
Now I am thinking about it. I went to and created a route that would fit what I need today, complete with some hills! I got it to 7.78, starting near my house, heading into Hingham and then back by the South Shore Hospital. I have the route down. I know the street and I know exactly where I need to go to get this run in. The roads I picked are wide enough, even with the snow, and all pretty safe.
The weather is showing 32 degrees right now, so much better than yesterday. I have the water bottle thing that clicks on like a messanger bag my cousin gave me for Christmas, so I can have water on this 8 mile jaunt. I'll all prepared. I just need to get dressed and go.
I am absolute and completely terrified. I don't know why. It's a run! That's it. That's all. Just a run. Why am I scared to do this one? Why am I so nervous to head outside alone?
Up through December, all of my runs other than road races were on a track, round and round and round. I'd just keep a count of my laps, saying the lap number and total distance out loud after each one.
I didn't do my long run on Christmas weekend with the chaos of the holidays. Then New Years Day was another road race for the 10K. That was easy. There was a route to follow, people there, and even people I passed!
Last weekend I hit the gym for my run. Since I knew that the treadmills shut off after an hour, I did my warm up walk and then hit stop to get a new mile count. When I restarted and got up to my pace, I ran for 3.85 miles. Then I stopped for a minute, had water and stretched. I hopped back on and restarted the treadmill for another 3.65 to finish my 7 1/2 mile run. I was nervous but I was on the treadmill, in the gym and could stop whenever I wanted to. I thought about it, but I kept going.
But this is my first actual long run, outside, on my own. Maybe that's why my belly wasn't feeling great yesterday. Maybe I made myself sick with the idea of this. I am SO nervous. It's JUST A RUN! I don't know what my problem is! I don't know why I am so scared. I guess I just don't want to fail.
I know running is a mental thing. I know it is all mind over matter. I just have to keep putting one foot in front of the other. I just have to keep going. It may hurt, my legs may ache, but I have to keep going and keep reaching for that finish.
The 1/2 Marathon in Hampton, NH is in 5 weeks. I will have to run 13.1 miles outside that day! Outside, in February, at the BEACH! We've gotten snow that weekend before. It can be FRIGID that weekend. I have to get my long runs in outside to practice in the conditions I will be running in. The 1/2 marathon isn't on a treadmill... it is an outside road race.
I need to get my butt in gear, move off of my sofa, get my running clothes on and head outside for this 8 miles. I can't let the idea of an 8 mile run beat me. I knwo I'm stronger than that. But I am still so scared.
I talk a good talk. I did the Couch to 5K. I ran a 10K. I'm training for a 1/2 marathon in 5 weeks, then Boston 8 weeks later. I have 13 weeks left to train for 26.2 miles and I'm afraid of 8! Seriously?
When I had our team meeting for Mass Eye and Ear's Team in Boston last week, I was SO nervous about the meeting. I was more nervous about that than I was about training or fund raising! I was going into this alone, meeting runners. I felt like a fraud. I FEEL like a fraud. These are REAL runners.
But when I got there and found out many were running their first marathon as well, I did feel a little better. I'm still terrified. Absolutely terrified. But if I don't train, I WILL set myself up for failure. I have to get out and go and do it and JUST RUN!
I have my route. Starting by Johnie's Food Master on Rt 18, heading down Pleasant St, past Columbian Square up to Rt 53 where I'll take a right and follow Rt 53 into Hingham. When I come to Prime Gas Station, I'll turn right onto Derby St. I'll pss by the Derby Street Shoppes. It might get a little tricky running past the Rt 3 exit ramps, but I'll keep going straight back into Weymouth, past the High School and to Rt 18, by Dunkin and Mary Lou's. I'll turn left onto Rt 18, up the hill by South Shore Hospital and end by Johnie's Food Master. That's 7.78 miles with a couple of hills.
I am SO nervous. But I have to do it. I know I can do it. Ahhhh... ok time to move off the sofa, get my butt in gear, get dressed and head out the door. Here's to mind over matter!
I'm heading out for my 8 Mile Monster. Wish me luck!!!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Reach Out
Every year, as close to New Year's Day as possible, I sit down and spend some time reflecting on the year past and what intentions I want to set for my upcoming year. I love New Year's. I love that the possibilities are endless for what is available. Dream big!
Having worked with a life coach in a group setting for many years, I follow a set of journaling questions to review the past year and determine what worked and what didn't in a variety of areas of my life. Then I look towards what I would like out of the upcoming year. Generally a theme starts to emerge.
At this point, I give my coming year a name, an intention and I also base my New Years Resolutions off of that intention. The results have been life changing for me.
For some reason I haven't been able to remember my resolutions of 2008, but I do remember the name of that year. It was The Year of Slimming Down. I had a lot going on in my life in 2007. Lots of "stuff", lots of drama and lots I really needed to remove from my life. New Years of 2008 gave me that opportunity.
In 2008, many unhealthy relationships in my life ended. I did get rid of "stuff" that wasn't working. And not only stuff but also thoughts, ideas and stories I created for myself on who I was and how I was living my life. By the end of the year, although not per the scale :) I had slimmed down all other areas of my life. The unhealthy relationships were gone. The drama was gone. Stuff was gone. The excuses I had allowed myself to live by were gone.
Then came New Years going into 2009. Since I had gotten so much out of my life, it was time to build it back up. I named this year, The Year of New Experiences. WOW, what a successful idea that was! And I do remember this resolution, because this truly did change my life and point me into a completely different direction.
My resolution in 2009 was to do two things every month outside of my comfort zone. The rule of thumb I used.. if I got that nervous feeling in my belly, then I needed to go for it! I spoke up in situations where I would have remained silent. I had extremely difficult conversations at work. I went to a meetup group ( and met a group of people I did not know for a movie! I went rock climbing, I went on a ropes course, I asked someone on a date, I went to the movies all by myself for the first time in my life. I became an assistant organizer of a fitness meetup group and several months later when the original organizer no longer wanted to run the group, I stepped up to her role.
One thing I didn't expect with this resolution was as I tried different things, pushed myself outside of my comfort zone, then my comfort zone began to expand. It became harder to figure out new things to do that were still outside of my comfort zone by the end of the year!
By the end of 2009 I was a new person. I was so much more confident. I could speak up when I thought it was necessary. I could organize a 5K training session for a group of 25 people. I realized I could do absolutely anything I put my mind to. It was an incredible experience.
When that year ended and I started to review what I wanted out of 2010, I knew I enjoyed the fitness group I was organizing. I loved that exercise had become a much more important part of my life and I wanted to continue with that. I named 2010 The Year of Fitness. Although I didn't keep my resolution to try 2 new things every month with one fitness related, I did push myself to so many new experiences.
In 2010 I started back with yoga, tried Zumba, worked out an MMA fight gym, took golf lessons, ran in about a dozen 5K, started working out at the gym regularly, started swimming laps 2-3 times a week, ran 3 times a week, went kayaking about 4 times during the summer, went on hikes in Blue Hills just south of Boston. 2010 more than lived up to the intention I set.
November of 2010, I signed up for my first 10K road race for New Years Day and also decided I would run in a 1/2 marathon in mid February. Around Thanksgiving I started my training for that 1/2 marathon.
Then, with less than 2 weeks left in the year, I heard of an opportunity to join Mass Eye and Ear, recognized as one of the top speciality hospitals in the WORLD, as part of their fund raising team to run in the 2011 Boston Marathon. The week of Christmas I was accepted to join their team. I was going to do it! WOW!
Talk about putting a big fat juicy cherry on the top of an amazing fitness themed year! What a way to end 2010! :)
So then comes New Year's weekend. Again, I review the year and realized what worked, what could been a little different. I knew I loved how healthy I had become but there were other ways I could continue to improve on that. That was when I finally decided on my name and intention for 2011. 2011 is The Year of Positive Health.
My resolution for this year is for each month to practice 2 positive and healthy habits every day for the entire month. At the end of each month, I can decide if the habits are ones I want to keep in my life or if it is one that isn't working for me. Then, the next month I will start with 2 new positive and healthy habits.
January I started with what I thought was 2 easier ones. I wanted to do something for my financial health, so I have been keeping a spending journal. I write down every penny I have been spending this month. This has been a little easier than I originally thought, only because I haven't been doing too much spending in general! I used my Christmas gift certificates before New Years (and before the idea!) and just haven't been shopping at all, other than the food store.
My second pick for January was to do the plank pose every day for at least 1 minute and continue to add to it. That hasn't gone so well. I'm not much of a morning person, so remembering to do it before my shower with limited time and limited coffee hasn't been working so well. And for some reason, even the nights I do an ab workout at the gym, I just haven't been remembering it! I'm not happy with that. So I may need to keep this one for February as well.
Around New Years, I was searching for ideas on line of what I could do for other positive healthy habits for months during 2011. What would I want to try? What could I do every single day for a month? I'm horrible with flossing, so that's one. (who really is good at flossing?) Other ideas I had:
mediate for 5 minutes every day
drink at least 64 ounces of water a day
take my vitamins every day
write 3 things daily that I am grateful for
eat 6 servings of fruits and veggies daily
eat breakfast within 2 hours of waking up
spend time in nature every day
stretch or do yoga daily for at least 15 minutes
free write every morning for 5 pages
keep a food journal
compliment someone every day
While I was trying to find more ideas, I stumbled on a great website.
I LOVED this website and the positive uplifting ideas I found. It helped me with some ideas and I knew it would be a resource I could use throughout the year to maintain my intention.
I reached out to Lynn on her webpage. I think it is important to reach out and let others know when you appreciate what they do. Everyone is quick to share the bad, to complain and to pass along the negative. I think it is even more important to share the good, to say thank you and to pass along the positive. (write your local coffee shop and let the manager know how much you love their happy and positive counter help! A little positive feedback can go so far!)
I shared with Lynn my story; my naming my year, my resolutions, how I will use her webpage for 2011 and that I am running in the 2011 Boston Marathon. I wasn't expecting anything in return. I just wanted her to know that I appreciated her website and how it was helping me in my journey. But Lynn sent me a great response. She also asked if she could share my email in one of her upcoming newsletters. I responded with a resounding YES and passed along the link to this blog as well.
Lynn did share our emails in her newsletter, including the link to this! WOW! I was not expecting that she would pass along and encourage others to follow my story, my journey. I am so touched by that.
I know this is long, I know this isn't about my running training, but I think it is important for me to share how I got here. My journey from December of 2007 to now shows so much of who I am as a person, where I came from and where I want to go. I have changed so much in the past 3 years. I was a depressed couch potato, overweight, unmotivated with very unhealthy relationships in my life. I had a bad attitude and was just down.
Each year I pushed myself. Each year I grew. Each year I expanded the opportunities that were available to me. I deepened the positive relationships in my life and terminated many that were not working so well. I have become a person I am proud to be.
This has all led to new opportunities coming into my life. I had to clear out the old, the unhealthy and what wasn't working. Just like your closet. When it is full, you have no where to put anything new. You need to clear out the old, outdated, ill fitting items you don't wear or enjoy to make room for the new and exciting. With removing all of what wasn't working, I made room for the new.
I have new experiences, new passions, new friendships. I have met some wonderful people along the way in my journey and I'm sure I will continue to meet even more as I continue. I have an excitement for life I never had.
My fitness group has been such a wonderful experience as well. I love doing the Couch to 5K with that group. I love seeing the excitement and pride when new runners experience new accomplishments. I get so much joy out of seeing them all succeed! I am touched and moved when people tell me that I what I am doing is inspiring. I feel like I get so much more out of it than I could ever give.
So this is my story. This is my journey. This is how I ended up where I am, training for the 2011 Boston Marathon. 2 years ago I was 160 pounds, wearing a size 12 jeans. My BMI put me in the "overweight" group and I agreed! I never exercised.
Now I take Fridays as a rest day for exercise and training, sometimes Sundays too. Every other day I have my running, swimming or yoga (or anything else!) posted on my calendar as a schedule event that I can't miss. I am fighting to maintain 125 pounds, but today was down to 123.8. I am wearing a size 6 petite pants and my new shirts that fit are all X-Small (the small tops I bought are all too big). I am in the best shape of my life and the healthiest I have ever been. I can't remember when I was this size! Even when I graduated HS, ahem, almost 19 years ago, I was wearing a size 9 pants and medium tops. I think I was maybe 14 or 15 when I was this small.
And I had an injury tossed in there too! In 2009 after months of PT, an MRI finally showed a bulging disc in my neck in September that year. I did 3 rounds of cortisone injections into my spine and after PT did 8 months weekly massage therapy to my shoulders, upper back and neck. And I'm still here!
If I can make it this far within 3 years, than anyone can. Anyone can succeed and reach their goals if they focus, set their intentions and do the work necessary to have success. Find your determination. Put in the work. You are worth it.
And reach out to others. You never know where you will find that one magic gem. Open yourself up to the possibilities that life has. You have to take that one first step. See the little picture. Work on the small goals. Then stop and pause to look back, seeing the progress and success you have had. Then hop back on going forward!
Wow, I had a lot to say today! :) And all of this is before I head out for my scheduled 8 mile run today. 8 miles and it is 22 degrees in Boston right now. JOY! Time to bundle up I guess.
Please click on the link to my donation page to learn more about Mass Eye and Ear and the amazing research and treatment that provide to patients who come from around the world. Please consider making a donation of any amount to help me reach my goal while I continue to train for the marathon... even on days where is it 22 degrees outside! :) No amount is too small and even $5 would be so greatly appreciated. If you are not comfortable donating on line, please leave a comment on this page with your contact information. I will contact you with other ways to donate off line.
Happy weekend and thanks for reading.
Having worked with a life coach in a group setting for many years, I follow a set of journaling questions to review the past year and determine what worked and what didn't in a variety of areas of my life. Then I look towards what I would like out of the upcoming year. Generally a theme starts to emerge.
At this point, I give my coming year a name, an intention and I also base my New Years Resolutions off of that intention. The results have been life changing for me.
For some reason I haven't been able to remember my resolutions of 2008, but I do remember the name of that year. It was The Year of Slimming Down. I had a lot going on in my life in 2007. Lots of "stuff", lots of drama and lots I really needed to remove from my life. New Years of 2008 gave me that opportunity.
In 2008, many unhealthy relationships in my life ended. I did get rid of "stuff" that wasn't working. And not only stuff but also thoughts, ideas and stories I created for myself on who I was and how I was living my life. By the end of the year, although not per the scale :) I had slimmed down all other areas of my life. The unhealthy relationships were gone. The drama was gone. Stuff was gone. The excuses I had allowed myself to live by were gone.
Then came New Years going into 2009. Since I had gotten so much out of my life, it was time to build it back up. I named this year, The Year of New Experiences. WOW, what a successful idea that was! And I do remember this resolution, because this truly did change my life and point me into a completely different direction.
My resolution in 2009 was to do two things every month outside of my comfort zone. The rule of thumb I used.. if I got that nervous feeling in my belly, then I needed to go for it! I spoke up in situations where I would have remained silent. I had extremely difficult conversations at work. I went to a meetup group ( and met a group of people I did not know for a movie! I went rock climbing, I went on a ropes course, I asked someone on a date, I went to the movies all by myself for the first time in my life. I became an assistant organizer of a fitness meetup group and several months later when the original organizer no longer wanted to run the group, I stepped up to her role.
One thing I didn't expect with this resolution was as I tried different things, pushed myself outside of my comfort zone, then my comfort zone began to expand. It became harder to figure out new things to do that were still outside of my comfort zone by the end of the year!
By the end of 2009 I was a new person. I was so much more confident. I could speak up when I thought it was necessary. I could organize a 5K training session for a group of 25 people. I realized I could do absolutely anything I put my mind to. It was an incredible experience.
When that year ended and I started to review what I wanted out of 2010, I knew I enjoyed the fitness group I was organizing. I loved that exercise had become a much more important part of my life and I wanted to continue with that. I named 2010 The Year of Fitness. Although I didn't keep my resolution to try 2 new things every month with one fitness related, I did push myself to so many new experiences.
In 2010 I started back with yoga, tried Zumba, worked out an MMA fight gym, took golf lessons, ran in about a dozen 5K, started working out at the gym regularly, started swimming laps 2-3 times a week, ran 3 times a week, went kayaking about 4 times during the summer, went on hikes in Blue Hills just south of Boston. 2010 more than lived up to the intention I set.
November of 2010, I signed up for my first 10K road race for New Years Day and also decided I would run in a 1/2 marathon in mid February. Around Thanksgiving I started my training for that 1/2 marathon.
Then, with less than 2 weeks left in the year, I heard of an opportunity to join Mass Eye and Ear, recognized as one of the top speciality hospitals in the WORLD, as part of their fund raising team to run in the 2011 Boston Marathon. The week of Christmas I was accepted to join their team. I was going to do it! WOW!
Talk about putting a big fat juicy cherry on the top of an amazing fitness themed year! What a way to end 2010! :)
So then comes New Year's weekend. Again, I review the year and realized what worked, what could been a little different. I knew I loved how healthy I had become but there were other ways I could continue to improve on that. That was when I finally decided on my name and intention for 2011. 2011 is The Year of Positive Health.
My resolution for this year is for each month to practice 2 positive and healthy habits every day for the entire month. At the end of each month, I can decide if the habits are ones I want to keep in my life or if it is one that isn't working for me. Then, the next month I will start with 2 new positive and healthy habits.
January I started with what I thought was 2 easier ones. I wanted to do something for my financial health, so I have been keeping a spending journal. I write down every penny I have been spending this month. This has been a little easier than I originally thought, only because I haven't been doing too much spending in general! I used my Christmas gift certificates before New Years (and before the idea!) and just haven't been shopping at all, other than the food store.
My second pick for January was to do the plank pose every day for at least 1 minute and continue to add to it. That hasn't gone so well. I'm not much of a morning person, so remembering to do it before my shower with limited time and limited coffee hasn't been working so well. And for some reason, even the nights I do an ab workout at the gym, I just haven't been remembering it! I'm not happy with that. So I may need to keep this one for February as well.
Around New Years, I was searching for ideas on line of what I could do for other positive healthy habits for months during 2011. What would I want to try? What could I do every single day for a month? I'm horrible with flossing, so that's one. (who really is good at flossing?) Other ideas I had:
mediate for 5 minutes every day
drink at least 64 ounces of water a day
take my vitamins every day
write 3 things daily that I am grateful for
eat 6 servings of fruits and veggies daily
eat breakfast within 2 hours of waking up
spend time in nature every day
stretch or do yoga daily for at least 15 minutes
free write every morning for 5 pages
keep a food journal
compliment someone every day
While I was trying to find more ideas, I stumbled on a great website.
I LOVED this website and the positive uplifting ideas I found. It helped me with some ideas and I knew it would be a resource I could use throughout the year to maintain my intention.
I reached out to Lynn on her webpage. I think it is important to reach out and let others know when you appreciate what they do. Everyone is quick to share the bad, to complain and to pass along the negative. I think it is even more important to share the good, to say thank you and to pass along the positive. (write your local coffee shop and let the manager know how much you love their happy and positive counter help! A little positive feedback can go so far!)
I shared with Lynn my story; my naming my year, my resolutions, how I will use her webpage for 2011 and that I am running in the 2011 Boston Marathon. I wasn't expecting anything in return. I just wanted her to know that I appreciated her website and how it was helping me in my journey. But Lynn sent me a great response. She also asked if she could share my email in one of her upcoming newsletters. I responded with a resounding YES and passed along the link to this blog as well.
Lynn did share our emails in her newsletter, including the link to this! WOW! I was not expecting that she would pass along and encourage others to follow my story, my journey. I am so touched by that.
I know this is long, I know this isn't about my running training, but I think it is important for me to share how I got here. My journey from December of 2007 to now shows so much of who I am as a person, where I came from and where I want to go. I have changed so much in the past 3 years. I was a depressed couch potato, overweight, unmotivated with very unhealthy relationships in my life. I had a bad attitude and was just down.
Each year I pushed myself. Each year I grew. Each year I expanded the opportunities that were available to me. I deepened the positive relationships in my life and terminated many that were not working so well. I have become a person I am proud to be.
This has all led to new opportunities coming into my life. I had to clear out the old, the unhealthy and what wasn't working. Just like your closet. When it is full, you have no where to put anything new. You need to clear out the old, outdated, ill fitting items you don't wear or enjoy to make room for the new and exciting. With removing all of what wasn't working, I made room for the new.
I have new experiences, new passions, new friendships. I have met some wonderful people along the way in my journey and I'm sure I will continue to meet even more as I continue. I have an excitement for life I never had.
My fitness group has been such a wonderful experience as well. I love doing the Couch to 5K with that group. I love seeing the excitement and pride when new runners experience new accomplishments. I get so much joy out of seeing them all succeed! I am touched and moved when people tell me that I what I am doing is inspiring. I feel like I get so much more out of it than I could ever give.
So this is my story. This is my journey. This is how I ended up where I am, training for the 2011 Boston Marathon. 2 years ago I was 160 pounds, wearing a size 12 jeans. My BMI put me in the "overweight" group and I agreed! I never exercised.
Now I take Fridays as a rest day for exercise and training, sometimes Sundays too. Every other day I have my running, swimming or yoga (or anything else!) posted on my calendar as a schedule event that I can't miss. I am fighting to maintain 125 pounds, but today was down to 123.8. I am wearing a size 6 petite pants and my new shirts that fit are all X-Small (the small tops I bought are all too big). I am in the best shape of my life and the healthiest I have ever been. I can't remember when I was this size! Even when I graduated HS, ahem, almost 19 years ago, I was wearing a size 9 pants and medium tops. I think I was maybe 14 or 15 when I was this small.
And I had an injury tossed in there too! In 2009 after months of PT, an MRI finally showed a bulging disc in my neck in September that year. I did 3 rounds of cortisone injections into my spine and after PT did 8 months weekly massage therapy to my shoulders, upper back and neck. And I'm still here!
If I can make it this far within 3 years, than anyone can. Anyone can succeed and reach their goals if they focus, set their intentions and do the work necessary to have success. Find your determination. Put in the work. You are worth it.
And reach out to others. You never know where you will find that one magic gem. Open yourself up to the possibilities that life has. You have to take that one first step. See the little picture. Work on the small goals. Then stop and pause to look back, seeing the progress and success you have had. Then hop back on going forward!
Wow, I had a lot to say today! :) And all of this is before I head out for my scheduled 8 mile run today. 8 miles and it is 22 degrees in Boston right now. JOY! Time to bundle up I guess.
Please click on the link to my donation page to learn more about Mass Eye and Ear and the amazing research and treatment that provide to patients who come from around the world. Please consider making a donation of any amount to help me reach my goal while I continue to train for the marathon... even on days where is it 22 degrees outside! :) No amount is too small and even $5 would be so greatly appreciated. If you are not comfortable donating on line, please leave a comment on this page with your contact information. I will contact you with other ways to donate off line.
Happy weekend and thanks for reading.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Rest Day
SO happy today is rest day. I'm pretty exhausted after this week. Even with the snow and a day off of work, it was a LONG week! And this is a 3 day weekend too which is even better.
So tonight, I'm home & relaxing. No plans other than a night on the sofa and I have never been more excited to do nothing! :)
Tomorrow is long run day for 8 miles. I really want to run outside, but I've been having a hard time figuring out somewhere I can run that would be safe enough with the weather, snow, ice, traffic and overall bad roads. But if the 1/2 marathon is in a month, I really need to be ready to run outside.
So I'm resting, relaxing and enjoying my night of doing NOTHING!
So tonight, I'm home & relaxing. No plans other than a night on the sofa and I have never been more excited to do nothing! :)
Tomorrow is long run day for 8 miles. I really want to run outside, but I've been having a hard time figuring out somewhere I can run that would be safe enough with the weather, snow, ice, traffic and overall bad roads. But if the 1/2 marathon is in a month, I really need to be ready to run outside.
So I'm resting, relaxing and enjoying my night of doing NOTHING!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
95 Days and some news!
After the crazy storm yesterday, for the first time ever I was dying for a run! I've never felt like that before. I didn't do my short recovery run on Tuesday night and yesterday I couldn't get out of my driveway, so I didn't go anywhere. I was dying to get in a run today.
That was hard too. I already had plans to meet a few friends at the pool at 7 and I got out of work after 5. I FLEW to the gym, changed and hopped on a treadmill. After a quick warm up walk, I was up to 5.5 for the pace at a 1% incline. Into the second mile, I wanted to work on speed. I went up to 6.8! That's a BIG jump for me and my short legs! I did that pace for 2 minutes before going back to 5.5.
After another mile I went back up to 6.8 again for another 2 1/2 minutes & closer to 4 miles I did it for 3 minutes. I felt really good when I was done. I finished the 4 miles in 42 minutes! That's REALLY good for me, especially since I have been training at an 11+ minute mile! I'm pretty proud of that time tonight.
After the gym, I headed straight to the pool to meet up with my friends. I swam almost 3/4 of a mile. Officialy 3/4 of a mile is 24 laps. I did 22 laps. Almost! But I was exhausted at that point.
And other GREAT news today!!
My company has donated a pair of Red Sox tickets for my prizes for fund raising donations made over $75. They are AMAZING seats! I'm SO excited!
Here are a few pictures taken at a game in April of 2009 from those seats! GREAT SPOT!!!

That was hard too. I already had plans to meet a few friends at the pool at 7 and I got out of work after 5. I FLEW to the gym, changed and hopped on a treadmill. After a quick warm up walk, I was up to 5.5 for the pace at a 1% incline. Into the second mile, I wanted to work on speed. I went up to 6.8! That's a BIG jump for me and my short legs! I did that pace for 2 minutes before going back to 5.5.
After another mile I went back up to 6.8 again for another 2 1/2 minutes & closer to 4 miles I did it for 3 minutes. I felt really good when I was done. I finished the 4 miles in 42 minutes! That's REALLY good for me, especially since I have been training at an 11+ minute mile! I'm pretty proud of that time tonight.
After the gym, I headed straight to the pool to meet up with my friends. I swam almost 3/4 of a mile. Officialy 3/4 of a mile is 24 laps. I did 22 laps. Almost! But I was exhausted at that point.
And other GREAT news today!!
My company has donated a pair of Red Sox tickets for my prizes for fund raising donations made over $75. They are AMAZING seats! I'm SO excited!
Here are a few pictures taken at a game in April of 2009 from those seats! GREAT SPOT!!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Spring Running
Last night, I was up late, knowing that I wasn't going to have work today. I was online and a little bored. Since I've already had 3 or 4 people from my fitness group ask me about the Couch to 5K training again for the Spring, I ended up posting it starting on Monday, April 25th.
This was around midnight last night that the email went out to my fitness group. Now? Less than 24 hours? I have me plus 8 people signed up to go! It is more than 3 months away!!! I have 8 people already going! How insane is that??
I'm really excited for it. I love seeing everyone's progress with the group. I love getting to know everyone and the whole group atmosphere.
July of 2009 when we first started I kept saying, "I am NOT a runner". Well, that's changed. Now I am! We are starting this year's C25K one week after Boston. One week to the day! So I'll be starting this session of this as a marathon runner. Kind of cool to say that.
Last night at our training session, the coach, Frank and one of the hospital employees, Jen who ran her first one last year both spoke. After giving the stat that only 1% of the population ever even attempts a marathon, Frank said that in any language, anywhere around the world, if you say you are a marathoner, people understand what that means and what that says about you as a person. What it says about WHO you are.
Then Jen piped in. She said, "And wait until you tell them you are a BOSTON marathoner".
That's what I am going to be. When I start the Couch to 5K training again with my fitness group in April, I will be a Boston Marathoner! So now, I AM a runner!
This was around midnight last night that the email went out to my fitness group. Now? Less than 24 hours? I have me plus 8 people signed up to go! It is more than 3 months away!!! I have 8 people already going! How insane is that??
I'm really excited for it. I love seeing everyone's progress with the group. I love getting to know everyone and the whole group atmosphere.
July of 2009 when we first started I kept saying, "I am NOT a runner". Well, that's changed. Now I am! We are starting this year's C25K one week after Boston. One week to the day! So I'll be starting this session of this as a marathon runner. Kind of cool to say that.
Last night at our training session, the coach, Frank and one of the hospital employees, Jen who ran her first one last year both spoke. After giving the stat that only 1% of the population ever even attempts a marathon, Frank said that in any language, anywhere around the world, if you say you are a marathoner, people understand what that means and what that says about you as a person. What it says about WHO you are.
Then Jen piped in. She said, "And wait until you tell them you are a BOSTON marathoner".
That's what I am going to be. When I start the Couch to 5K training again with my fitness group in April, I will be a Boston Marathoner! So now, I AM a runner!
Snow day, again!
My company closed today because of the weather. We got about a foot or so of snow. Nice to know I can stay home, but I wouldn't have a choice anyway. At 12:45pm, I'm STILL waiting for the plow to do my driveway. I can't go anywhere without him. Especially since the plows have been great doing the street. I can't get over the edge of the driveway.
I'm REALLY hoping he comes. I want to get to the gym this afternoon. I'm feeling pretty good and I want to get in a good run, along with some weight training.
Never thought my concern for getting out of my house would be for wanting to go to the gym! Guess I have come a long way! :)
Here's a couple of pics of my car and the wires coming down across my street from the building across from me.

Yup, that's my car under all of that!

Here's a closer shot. My little coupe has NO shot of getting out of the driveway!
And waiting for someone to take out the wires hanging VERY low!!!

I'm REALLY hoping he comes. I want to get to the gym this afternoon. I'm feeling pretty good and I want to get in a good run, along with some weight training.
Never thought my concern for getting out of my house would be for wanting to go to the gym! Guess I have come a long way! :)
Here's a couple of pics of my car and the wires coming down across my street from the building across from me.
Yup, that's my car under all of that!
Here's a closer shot. My little coupe has NO shot of getting out of the driveway!
And waiting for someone to take out the wires hanging VERY low!!!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Team Meeting
Today I took a couple of vacation hours to head of the office early. Everyone kept telling me to give myself 2 hours to get to Mass Eye and Ear. So after stopping at home, I was on the road before 3:45 for the 5:45 meeting. Took me 30 minutes to park!
But I used the extra time wisely while I was waiting, brain storming about fund raising ideas. I have a few more that I am going to work on.
Then we had the fund raising meeting with our team. I got a few new ideas which was great. I'll have to spend some more time going over the notes I took. I would really like to raise a lot. It was amazing hearing even more of the stories tonight of those helped by Mass Eye and Ear. They really work with patients and families for the best possible care as one of the top ranking specialty hospitals in the world!
After that we had the offical "kick off" party. It was nice to meet so many of the team members. I felt a little better knowing so many are first time marathoner's and hearing the struggles others are going through. And the trainer was a great resource as well.
Hearing all of the past finishers speak and give tips helped. I'm still really nervous, but have a better direction.
I know I need to get outside more for my long runs. I know how important it is for the training. I really don't care about the cold! 30 is great running weather. I just don't like the snow and ice, bad road conditions and unsafe areas to run. I am generally a klutz! Me running on the side of a road (since no sidewalks are safe to run on!) sharing the road with cars? I would slip as a truck was coming by, break my ankle and get hit by the truck on top of it!
I want to run the marathon. I want to finish it. I don't want to get hurt during my training. And tomorrow we are getting another foot of snow! I am never going to get back outside.
But I am really glad I signed up for the 1/2 marathon next month. It will be great practice for where I am at in my training and I can use that as a guide.
LOTS to do and lots to keep up on.
But I used the extra time wisely while I was waiting, brain storming about fund raising ideas. I have a few more that I am going to work on.
Then we had the fund raising meeting with our team. I got a few new ideas which was great. I'll have to spend some more time going over the notes I took. I would really like to raise a lot. It was amazing hearing even more of the stories tonight of those helped by Mass Eye and Ear. They really work with patients and families for the best possible care as one of the top ranking specialty hospitals in the world!
After that we had the offical "kick off" party. It was nice to meet so many of the team members. I felt a little better knowing so many are first time marathoner's and hearing the struggles others are going through. And the trainer was a great resource as well.
Hearing all of the past finishers speak and give tips helped. I'm still really nervous, but have a better direction.
I know I need to get outside more for my long runs. I know how important it is for the training. I really don't care about the cold! 30 is great running weather. I just don't like the snow and ice, bad road conditions and unsafe areas to run. I am generally a klutz! Me running on the side of a road (since no sidewalks are safe to run on!) sharing the road with cars? I would slip as a truck was coming by, break my ankle and get hit by the truck on top of it!
I want to run the marathon. I want to finish it. I don't want to get hurt during my training. And tomorrow we are getting another foot of snow! I am never going to get back outside.
But I am really glad I signed up for the 1/2 marathon next month. It will be great practice for where I am at in my training and I can use that as a guide.
LOTS to do and lots to keep up on.
Monday, January 10, 2011
A prize is added!
After posting on Facebook asking for prizes to be donated.... within 10 minutes, I received a generous donation!
Alycia Riddell is donating a Beijo purse valued at $95 for a prize! These bags are gorgeous! Make sure to check out their web page to see what they have. And PLEASE make sure to contact Alycia directly for purchases.
Thank you again Alycia! I appreciate the support SO much!
Alycia Riddell
Independent Sales consultant
Beijo Bags USA
Alycia Riddell is donating a Beijo purse valued at $95 for a prize! These bags are gorgeous! Make sure to check out their web page to see what they have. And PLEASE make sure to contact Alycia directly for purchases.
Thank you again Alycia! I appreciate the support SO much!
Alycia Riddell
Independent Sales consultant
Beijo Bags USA
98 days!
After the workout over the weekend, I was still pretty sore today. When my alarm went off at 6:30, I got up took two Advil, then laid back down. ALL day I was sore. My hamstrings were killing me.
I was pretty unsure of how the running would be today. I wasn't super motivated for it, but I went. First, I cannot WAIT until the New Years people stop going to the gym! The parking lot is small enough. I could have parked on the street, but I didn't want to park right under the no parking sign!
I did get in the 4.5 miles that I planned for, as well at doing uphill twice. I went to 4% for 2 minutes, then did another 4% for 3 minutes. For the most part I was doing 5.5 for the pace, but I did drop down to 5.0 after the 2 hills just to catch my breath. The last 1/2 mile I pushed it up to 6.6.
After the treadmill I took a long time stretching. I really wanted to work out my hamstrings. It didn't work! They are still super tight. I'm not sure what else I can do to work them out.
I ended up doing a great ab workout too. I could feel that! I hope I don't sneeze tomorrow, cuz that'll hurt. :)
But overall, minus the hamstrings, I feel good. I'm hoping tomorrow I feel good.
I was pretty unsure of how the running would be today. I wasn't super motivated for it, but I went. First, I cannot WAIT until the New Years people stop going to the gym! The parking lot is small enough. I could have parked on the street, but I didn't want to park right under the no parking sign!
I did get in the 4.5 miles that I planned for, as well at doing uphill twice. I went to 4% for 2 minutes, then did another 4% for 3 minutes. For the most part I was doing 5.5 for the pace, but I did drop down to 5.0 after the 2 hills just to catch my breath. The last 1/2 mile I pushed it up to 6.6.
After the treadmill I took a long time stretching. I really wanted to work out my hamstrings. It didn't work! They are still super tight. I'm not sure what else I can do to work them out.
I ended up doing a great ab workout too. I could feel that! I hope I don't sneeze tomorrow, cuz that'll hurt. :)
But overall, minus the hamstrings, I feel good. I'm hoping tomorrow I feel good.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Correction on the days
I pulled out a calendar today and did the counting for myself. Before was wrong... the marathon is 99 days from today! I'm kind of nervous about it. But I know that I'm committed to it, committed to the training and fundraising. I know I'll be ok with all of it.
Still blows my mind that I am actually goign to do this!
Still blows my mind that I am actually goign to do this!
Pigeon- 98 Days
I woke up this morning SO sore from yesterday. My hamstrings were killing me! Were? I say that as if they are better! No, they are still super sore, but ok.
Very happy that yesterday at the MMA event, my friend Jill mentioned she might go to the pool today. She sent me a text and we met just after 10:30. (yeah, I was late!) It was pretty hard to get going and again, my hamstrings are so tight!
I managed a VERY slow mile in the pool today. Then spent some time stretching. Not exactly sure what it specifically was yesterday that has my hamstrings and glutes like this. I don't usually feel like this from running, so I think it was something at the MMA thing.
Might be one specific stretch we did, but I'm not sure. Pigeon Pose. I found a picture online.
And here's a picture from that site:

We did that and also lifted up our back leg and held it with the opposite arm. And after I ran, I did the same pose, but also when I did it at the gym, I bent forward and put my head down over my front leg.
I think too much pigeon might be what is killing my hamstrings and glutes right now. But still... a good hurt. Just sore.
Swimming helped work it out a bit. I really like the time at the pool. And I love that I have seen progress with it. I'd like to keep up with it and keep improving. I'm at a mile, but I'd like to do it faster with less breaks between laps.
Now I get to enjoy the rest of the day with dinner at my parents and playoff football. :)
Very happy that yesterday at the MMA event, my friend Jill mentioned she might go to the pool today. She sent me a text and we met just after 10:30. (yeah, I was late!) It was pretty hard to get going and again, my hamstrings are so tight!
I managed a VERY slow mile in the pool today. Then spent some time stretching. Not exactly sure what it specifically was yesterday that has my hamstrings and glutes like this. I don't usually feel like this from running, so I think it was something at the MMA thing.
Might be one specific stretch we did, but I'm not sure. Pigeon Pose. I found a picture online.
And here's a picture from that site:

We did that and also lifted up our back leg and held it with the opposite arm. And after I ran, I did the same pose, but also when I did it at the gym, I bent forward and put my head down over my front leg.
I think too much pigeon might be what is killing my hamstrings and glutes right now. But still... a good hurt. Just sore.
Swimming helped work it out a bit. I really like the time at the pool. And I love that I have seen progress with it. I'd like to keep up with it and keep improving. I'm at a mile, but I'd like to do it faster with less breaks between laps.
Now I get to enjoy the rest of the day with dinner at my parents and playoff football. :)
Saturday, January 8, 2011
What a Day! 99 days to go!
I am SO tired right now. I can't even lift my head all the way up!
After relaxing a bit this morning and moving pretty slow with 2 cups of coffee to get me going, I headed over to a class at a fight gym. They set up the class a little differently this time. It was more of a fitness class this time, instead of a boxing, kickboxing class. Sweat was pouring off of all of us! It was a great workout!
Then, since I guess I hadn't killed myself yet, I went to the gym to get in my long run. I ended up getting in the 7 1/2 miles I had planned. I did a really great stretch after, but I know I am going to feel this. I'm just really really tried right now. I think I'm going to sleep amazing tonight!
Also.. I got my first donation today! One of my cousin's donated $100 on the website! I'm super excited and so happy for the support. I'm lucky that I have such a great family. I know my parents are going to donate too. I just have to finish up working on the "prizes" that I am going to collect. I really need to finish that up and bust my butt on it!
Ok.. time to eat dinner. A black bean and corn veggie burger with some salsa. SO yummy. I'm bummed I'm out of avacados, but that's ok.
Tomorrow is just some time at the pool, but not pushing it too hard. More to just relax and move the muscles than anything else.
After relaxing a bit this morning and moving pretty slow with 2 cups of coffee to get me going, I headed over to a class at a fight gym. They set up the class a little differently this time. It was more of a fitness class this time, instead of a boxing, kickboxing class. Sweat was pouring off of all of us! It was a great workout!
Then, since I guess I hadn't killed myself yet, I went to the gym to get in my long run. I ended up getting in the 7 1/2 miles I had planned. I did a really great stretch after, but I know I am going to feel this. I'm just really really tried right now. I think I'm going to sleep amazing tonight!
Also.. I got my first donation today! One of my cousin's donated $100 on the website! I'm super excited and so happy for the support. I'm lucky that I have such a great family. I know my parents are going to donate too. I just have to finish up working on the "prizes" that I am going to collect. I really need to finish that up and bust my butt on it!
Ok.. time to eat dinner. A black bean and corn veggie burger with some salsa. SO yummy. I'm bummed I'm out of avacados, but that's ok.
Tomorrow is just some time at the pool, but not pushing it too hard. More to just relax and move the muscles than anything else.
Friday, January 7, 2011
100 days and counting
I got an email today that the marathon is 100 days away. Wow that's just scary! And I still don't have one donation! Nervous, but I'll figure it out.
Today was rest day. I didn't feel good this morning and stayed home sick from work. I ended up sleeping about 12 hours out of the past 24. And now I'm ready to go back to bed. Hopefully the sleep will work and snap out whatever was going on.
Tomorrow is a long run and my MMA event with my fitness group. Looking forward to that.
Today was rest day. I didn't feel good this morning and stayed home sick from work. I ended up sleeping about 12 hours out of the past 24. And now I'm ready to go back to bed. Hopefully the sleep will work and snap out whatever was going on.
Tomorrow is a long run and my MMA event with my fitness group. Looking forward to that.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Back to the gym
First... completely forgot that when I work out it takes 36 hours for me to really feel it. When did I remember that? This morning when I woke up and tried to get out of bed! Yup, my legs were pretty sore!
And I was exhausted again today but with some encouragement, I made it back to the gym tonight. Seems like the New Years craziness is already starting to slow down a little. I still had to park on the street, but there were plenty of treadmills to choose from.
I varied my pace a bit and I was struggling to find what worked for me. I did end up finishing up 4 miles in under 44 minutes, so that's good. Maintaining the 11 minute mile training.
My feet went numb again. I made sure to lace up my sneakers much more loosly. It started even earlier tonight. First on my pinkie toe, and 4th toe- on both feet but stronger on my left. Then it was the 3rd-5th toes on each foot, plus the ball of each foot. I kept trying to stretch out my toes as I was running but it wasn't really helping. I'll need to figure that one out.
I realized that this happens more on a treadmill than it does outside. The only time it happened while running outside that I can remember was the 10K on Saturday. And that started after mile 4. I don't remember it happening outside otherwise. But on a treadmill? All the time! I remember doing the eliptical machine before and it happening then. The same motion and pressure on my feet without the pounding. And my feet go numb almost every single time I have been on an eliptical. I don't think its my gait. I don't know why.
After running I did a GREAT stretch for a while. Then I did a really good ab workout again and did the plank posture again too, this time for 1 minute and 30 seconds.
Tonight I did weights too. I did all upper body. On the machines, I did the tri press and shoulder press. Then I went back to the hand weights. I did biceps curls and hammer curls, back, shoulders, tri dips, upright row. Yeah, I won't be able to wash my hair tomorrow!
But I feel good right now. Nervous about the long run this weekend. Bummed about the weather. It is going to snow again, Friday night into Saturday.. up to a few inches. So again, I won't be able to run outside. I can't wait until the weather clears up.
And I was exhausted again today but with some encouragement, I made it back to the gym tonight. Seems like the New Years craziness is already starting to slow down a little. I still had to park on the street, but there were plenty of treadmills to choose from.
I varied my pace a bit and I was struggling to find what worked for me. I did end up finishing up 4 miles in under 44 minutes, so that's good. Maintaining the 11 minute mile training.
My feet went numb again. I made sure to lace up my sneakers much more loosly. It started even earlier tonight. First on my pinkie toe, and 4th toe- on both feet but stronger on my left. Then it was the 3rd-5th toes on each foot, plus the ball of each foot. I kept trying to stretch out my toes as I was running but it wasn't really helping. I'll need to figure that one out.
I realized that this happens more on a treadmill than it does outside. The only time it happened while running outside that I can remember was the 10K on Saturday. And that started after mile 4. I don't remember it happening outside otherwise. But on a treadmill? All the time! I remember doing the eliptical machine before and it happening then. The same motion and pressure on my feet without the pounding. And my feet go numb almost every single time I have been on an eliptical. I don't think its my gait. I don't know why.
After running I did a GREAT stretch for a while. Then I did a really good ab workout again and did the plank posture again too, this time for 1 minute and 30 seconds.
Tonight I did weights too. I did all upper body. On the machines, I did the tri press and shoulder press. Then I went back to the hand weights. I did biceps curls and hammer curls, back, shoulders, tri dips, upright row. Yeah, I won't be able to wash my hair tomorrow!
But I feel good right now. Nervous about the long run this weekend. Bummed about the weather. It is going to snow again, Friday night into Saturday.. up to a few inches. So again, I won't be able to run outside. I can't wait until the weather clears up.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Rest Today
This morning when I woke up, I could walk! SO after the workout I did, that was a good thing and I was happy! I could feel it but not too badly.
But I was SO tired today. Not just physically tired but mentally exhausted as well. It was tough to finish up the day at work. I was just fried.
I was originally planning to go to the gym for a 2 mile run, then hit the pool for a bit. I changed my mind on both, went straight home from work, put on sweats and laid down on the sofa for the night. I needed the night off.
I think I need to plan a little bit more rest in my schedule. But I have been good about listening to what my body needs without using it as an excuse or taking advantage of it. I did take time off over Christmas, but I think because of that, I did better than I expected with the 10K.
And I did do 4 miles last night and I'm planning on another 4 tomorrow, as well as weight training both nights. But when I get this tire, I have a hard time functioning. I was there today.
So I'm taking this break and tomorrow I'll be back on it.
But I was SO tired today. Not just physically tired but mentally exhausted as well. It was tough to finish up the day at work. I was just fried.
I was originally planning to go to the gym for a 2 mile run, then hit the pool for a bit. I changed my mind on both, went straight home from work, put on sweats and laid down on the sofa for the night. I needed the night off.
I think I need to plan a little bit more rest in my schedule. But I have been good about listening to what my body needs without using it as an excuse or taking advantage of it. I did take time off over Christmas, but I think because of that, I did better than I expected with the 10K.
And I did do 4 miles last night and I'm planning on another 4 tomorrow, as well as weight training both nights. But when I get this tire, I have a hard time functioning. I was there today.
So I'm taking this break and tomorrow I'll be back on it.
Monday, January 3, 2011
What a Workout!
I was at the gym tonight straight from work. DAMN! I knew New Years would make a difference, but tonight was just CRAZY! I couldn't even get a spot in the lot and had to park on the street! After I changed, I got the one and only open treadmill. And they a lot of treadmills! I really didn't expect it to be quite that busy.
I ended up getting in a great 4 mile run. I had to slow down my pace for a bit. I started out at 5.5 and at about 1 1/2 miles, I slowed down to 5.3. I was doing ok at that pace and at around 2.75 I went back to 5.5. Then around 3.25 I push it to 5.8 and for the last quarter mile I got it up to 6.0. That's the fastest pace I've done on the treadmill so far.
Overall, I did 4 miles in 43:30 which worked out to a 10:52 pace. So for me, that's really really good! And I felt good when I was done. I had a great time stretching too.
From there I pushed myself with an amazing ab workout. I can feel it! And then I moved to the weight room. I did the leg press, leg curls and leg extensions and then I grabbed some hand weights and did some squats and lunges for a bit. I'm a little nervous that I won't be able to walk tomorrow!
But I feel good. I'm glad I pushed myself. And then when I have my long run this weekend, my legs will be better from the workout today. I am going to sleep so well tonight and I can't wait! :)
I ended up getting in a great 4 mile run. I had to slow down my pace for a bit. I started out at 5.5 and at about 1 1/2 miles, I slowed down to 5.3. I was doing ok at that pace and at around 2.75 I went back to 5.5. Then around 3.25 I push it to 5.8 and for the last quarter mile I got it up to 6.0. That's the fastest pace I've done on the treadmill so far.
Overall, I did 4 miles in 43:30 which worked out to a 10:52 pace. So for me, that's really really good! And I felt good when I was done. I had a great time stretching too.
From there I pushed myself with an amazing ab workout. I can feel it! And then I moved to the weight room. I did the leg press, leg curls and leg extensions and then I grabbed some hand weights and did some squats and lunges for a bit. I'm a little nervous that I won't be able to walk tomorrow!
But I feel good. I'm glad I pushed myself. And then when I have my long run this weekend, my legs will be better from the workout today. I am going to sleep so well tonight and I can't wait! :)
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Relaxing Sunday
Still waiting for the results to be posted on Oh well. I've been checking CONSTANTLY! :) At least I know I'm roughly 1:09, so that's good.
Originally my plan today was to hit the gym for a legs and abs workout then hit the pool for some laps. That plan fell apart. I'm not super sore from yesterday's race, but I think I just need the break.
Tomorrow night I'll be back at the gym to get my run in, but I am going to change my strength training day from Sunday's to Monday's and do legs and abs on Monday nights. I think my body just needs a rest after the long runs on Saturdays. Then on Wednesday nights, my plan is to do strength training again, but abs and all upper body work (back, chest, bi's and tri's). That way I'll be getting everything in, but my legs will have enough time to heal from my Monday night work out before my next long run on Saturday, and they will still have rest AFTER the long run.
I FINALLY started sleeping well again. All 3 days on this weekend I set my alarm for 8am. That was pretty good. Not sleeping in too late and getting back to a regular schedule. Hopefull the bit of insomnia I've had for weeks is over. That would be WONDERFUL!
I'm so glad I did the 10K yesterday. I feel good about it. I'm proud of what I accomplished and of the progress I've made in running. It was great to share it with friends and have a few of them standing just by the finish line as I was rounding the corner, cheering me on!
Last night I realized something too. My time. Generally for my 5K's, I have been at 35 minutes. The Womatuck one I did in October, the super hilly course that I didn't stop on once, my time was 35:01. But for yesterday on the 10K, I walked along the beach for maybe 1/4-1/2 mile stretch and my time was 1:09. That's double my 5K time WITH me walking on the beach! I kept the pace for the whole 6 miles on average. I'm REALLY happy with those results. That's a REALLY big deal for me. I'm so happy with that.
I was super excited last night when I realized that. :)
So today, on my new "rest" day, I'm going to shower, head up to mom's for a homemade pasta dinner that dad is making, and enjoy some meaningless football (since the Pats are already in the playoffs anyway).
Happy Sunday!
Originally my plan today was to hit the gym for a legs and abs workout then hit the pool for some laps. That plan fell apart. I'm not super sore from yesterday's race, but I think I just need the break.
Tomorrow night I'll be back at the gym to get my run in, but I am going to change my strength training day from Sunday's to Monday's and do legs and abs on Monday nights. I think my body just needs a rest after the long runs on Saturdays. Then on Wednesday nights, my plan is to do strength training again, but abs and all upper body work (back, chest, bi's and tri's). That way I'll be getting everything in, but my legs will have enough time to heal from my Monday night work out before my next long run on Saturday, and they will still have rest AFTER the long run.
I FINALLY started sleeping well again. All 3 days on this weekend I set my alarm for 8am. That was pretty good. Not sleeping in too late and getting back to a regular schedule. Hopefull the bit of insomnia I've had for weeks is over. That would be WONDERFUL!
I'm so glad I did the 10K yesterday. I feel good about it. I'm proud of what I accomplished and of the progress I've made in running. It was great to share it with friends and have a few of them standing just by the finish line as I was rounding the corner, cheering me on!
Last night I realized something too. My time. Generally for my 5K's, I have been at 35 minutes. The Womatuck one I did in October, the super hilly course that I didn't stop on once, my time was 35:01. But for yesterday on the 10K, I walked along the beach for maybe 1/4-1/2 mile stretch and my time was 1:09. That's double my 5K time WITH me walking on the beach! I kept the pace for the whole 6 miles on average. I'm REALLY happy with those results. That's a REALLY big deal for me. I'm so happy with that.
I was super excited last night when I realized that. :)
So today, on my new "rest" day, I'm going to shower, head up to mom's for a homemade pasta dinner that dad is making, and enjoy some meaningless football (since the Pats are already in the playoffs anyway).
Happy Sunday!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
New Years Day
Today was such a great day! Joined some friends and headed up to Salisbury for The Hangover Classic. With my cousin meeting us, there were 7 of us. Me and 2 others ran in the 10K too! This was first and a great way to push on in my training.
I did walk for a little bit, but the race had us actually running on the beach! The sand was soft and uneven. I didn't feel comfortable running in it and I didn't want to hurt myself. Right afer we got off the beach was the 4 mile mark and a water stop. I stopped for a second there to grab 2 cups of water, then was back on my way for the rest of the race.
Surprisingly, I felt good. I haven't run that far before, so I'm really proud of myself. I was slow, but considering I walked the beach part and it took a bit to actual pass the start line and even start running because it was SO crowded (the 5K and 10K started together) I still finished at 1:09 and change.
The official time isn't posted yet. I did see 1:09 on the timer when I crossed and I set the timer just as the gun went off (again, before I got to the start and before I started running) and that was 1:09:37. SO I'm happy! I just want to know the official time!
I was a little bummed that they only had one water stop at mile 4 and with the 5K's finishing first and me being slow with the 10K runners, they were completely out of water when I finished! I was SO dehydrated! I had to fly to my car to get my water! It wasn't good.
I had wanted to do the plunge, but by the time I finally go back to the beach after getting my water, it wasn't worth it. Most people had already gone in.
But it was a good day. I got in a long run with friends and I started my new year off in a really good place.
Funny because I NEVER would have thought mid 50's would be too warm, but WOW was it hot! Somewhere betweeen mile 2 and 3, I was dying! I had on capri running pants, a sports bra and a long sleeve running shirt with the sleeves pushed up. I'm REALLY glad that was the sports bra I wore, because it was the kind you can wear alone if you are ok with your belly being exposed. At that point, I really didn't care what was exposed!
So as one of my friends said, "I turned around and Julie was stripping!" Yup, took that long sleeve shirt off and tied it around my waist and did the rest of the race in my bra! Of course I ran past people I knew who have a house in the area and haven't seen them in years. Nice, but whatever. It was a little funny! But hey, at least I have a flat stomach with muscle and I felt better without the shirt on.
Now I am exhausted. At 6:30pm, I'm ready for bed!
I did walk for a little bit, but the race had us actually running on the beach! The sand was soft and uneven. I didn't feel comfortable running in it and I didn't want to hurt myself. Right afer we got off the beach was the 4 mile mark and a water stop. I stopped for a second there to grab 2 cups of water, then was back on my way for the rest of the race.
Surprisingly, I felt good. I haven't run that far before, so I'm really proud of myself. I was slow, but considering I walked the beach part and it took a bit to actual pass the start line and even start running because it was SO crowded (the 5K and 10K started together) I still finished at 1:09 and change.
The official time isn't posted yet. I did see 1:09 on the timer when I crossed and I set the timer just as the gun went off (again, before I got to the start and before I started running) and that was 1:09:37. SO I'm happy! I just want to know the official time!
I was a little bummed that they only had one water stop at mile 4 and with the 5K's finishing first and me being slow with the 10K runners, they were completely out of water when I finished! I was SO dehydrated! I had to fly to my car to get my water! It wasn't good.
I had wanted to do the plunge, but by the time I finally go back to the beach after getting my water, it wasn't worth it. Most people had already gone in.
But it was a good day. I got in a long run with friends and I started my new year off in a really good place.
Funny because I NEVER would have thought mid 50's would be too warm, but WOW was it hot! Somewhere betweeen mile 2 and 3, I was dying! I had on capri running pants, a sports bra and a long sleeve running shirt with the sleeves pushed up. I'm REALLY glad that was the sports bra I wore, because it was the kind you can wear alone if you are ok with your belly being exposed. At that point, I really didn't care what was exposed!
So as one of my friends said, "I turned around and Julie was stripping!" Yup, took that long sleeve shirt off and tied it around my waist and did the rest of the race in my bra! Of course I ran past people I knew who have a house in the area and haven't seen them in years. Nice, but whatever. It was a little funny! But hey, at least I have a flat stomach with muscle and I felt better without the shirt on.
Now I am exhausted. At 6:30pm, I'm ready for bed!
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