That was hard too. I already had plans to meet a few friends at the pool at 7 and I got out of work after 5. I FLEW to the gym, changed and hopped on a treadmill. After a quick warm up walk, I was up to 5.5 for the pace at a 1% incline. Into the second mile, I wanted to work on speed. I went up to 6.8! That's a BIG jump for me and my short legs! I did that pace for 2 minutes before going back to 5.5.
After another mile I went back up to 6.8 again for another 2 1/2 minutes & closer to 4 miles I did it for 3 minutes. I felt really good when I was done. I finished the 4 miles in 42 minutes! That's REALLY good for me, especially since I have been training at an 11+ minute mile! I'm pretty proud of that time tonight.
After the gym, I headed straight to the pool to meet up with my friends. I swam almost 3/4 of a mile. Officialy 3/4 of a mile is 24 laps. I did 22 laps. Almost! But I was exhausted at that point.
And other GREAT news today!!
My company has donated a pair of Red Sox tickets for my prizes for fund raising donations made over $75. They are AMAZING seats! I'm SO excited!
Here are a few pictures taken at a game in April of 2009 from those seats! GREAT SPOT!!!

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