When I wrote after just having come inside from my run, I obviously felt like crap. I finally got myself up off the sofa for a nice long hot shower... where I almost passed out. I could feel it coming on and I was rushing to get the last of the conditioner out of my hair. As I was drying off, I was seeing spots and getting more and more lightheaded.
I tossed my wet hair up in a towel and grabbed a second to wrap around me. I had left my water bottle in the living room on the coffee table and managed to collapse on my sofa. It really took me a while to get up. And then my belly was horrible. I really thought I was going to be sick. It took me close to an hour before I finally felt ok enough for a 30 minute drive to my parents house.
I still felt like crap there, almost fell asleep on their sofa (would have been worth it with the horrific Pats loss. No, the Jets did not win that game. The Pats LOST that game!) I feel like I have a fever. I'm hot, I'm cold, my belly is making those funky noises. I'm coughing and my chest sounds weird.
The coughing and chest thing, I am pretty sure that really is from running. I remember when I wasn't regularly exercising, I would get like that. My lungs would react weird. I'd cough for a while after exercise.
But everything else? I really hope this isn't running related. This is NOT fun. I was going to try for a short run tomorrow, but I don't know now. Pretty sure at this point I am going to wait to see how I am feeling when I eventually get up. There will be NO alarm tomorrow and I am very ok with staying in PJ's all day. Good thing this is a 3 day weekend. Too bad I'm spending at least 1 day of it feeling horrible. :(
Hope tomorrow is better and that I am doing better after a good night sleep.
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