Thursday, December 30, 2010

One more day

Starting to get back into a good routine. Last night I went to the gym and got in 4 miles on the treadmill. I did a LOT of stretching when I was done to help with the calf cramps which I ended up with after running last night.

I stopped at the store on my way home, bought some bananas and some Magnesium supplements. That helps with Potassium absorption, so I'm hoping that between that and eating a banana or 2 a day I'll stop with the cramps.

Tonight I met some friends at the pool for my cross training and got in another mile. Took a little while and a couple of breaks, but I can feel myself getting stronger with swimming after each time I go.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow as well. It is supposed to be my rest day, but it is really the only day that it will fit into my schedule. I'm meeting with a trainer at the gym so I can start getting in some strength training that I have been skipping out on. I just need a little bit of direction to get me started so I can obtain the goals I want. I'm really looking forward to it!

But I don't want to push it too much when I'm working out. Saturday, for New Year's Day, I am running in a 10K Road Race in Salisbury. I want to be ready for that, and not really sore from working out on Friday. Plus, with New Year's Eve, I'm planning on taking it easy. I want to be really rested for the race!

I'm VERY excited that one of my friends might be running with me. A few weeks ago we did a 5 mile run together at a really good pace. It can be nice to have company on a race. This is either a 5K or 10K and everyone else in the group I am going with are ALL doing the 5K. SO I'm pretty happy that Carrie said she might be doing the 10K too.

The race has an optional Polar Bear Plunge I was on the fence about. I had a GREAT idea for it... which I need to keep posting on Facbook tomorrow a couple of times and again Saturday morning. My post which included the link to the donatation page was:
Saturday I'm running a 10K in Salisbury. I'm still on the fence with the Polar Bear Plunge after the race! Want me plunge? Want me to post pictures of it? If I can raise $500 between now and when I finish the 10K, I WILL DO IT! :) Plus, donate $75 or more and you are entered to win the prizes still being collected! Each $75 donation gets you another entry... working on Red Sox tickets, gift certificates and many more great prize options!

Hmm... we'll see if I get any donations from that! :) Nice interesting way to get the fund raising started! Too bad I didn't come up with that earlier!

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